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(4,351 words)
(Latin 'hill', 'funerary mound', pl.
tumuli; Greek τύμβος/
týmbos, σῆμα/
sêma; χῶμα/
chôma). I. Definition, distribution, function [German version] A. Definition Tumulusis a general term for a mound, as a rule artificial and usually round or oval in plan, associated with a burial ('burial mounds', as opposed, e.g., to prehistoric settlement mounds). Tumulus burial (‘mound burial’) describes all burials that have been covered by a mound. Tumulus is also used in archaeology as a technical term for burial mounds outsid…
Brill’s New Pauly
(3,978 words)
[German version] I. General Pins and needles (βελόνη/
belónē, περόνη/
perónē, ῥαφίς/
rhaphís, Latin
acus) were put to a variety of uses in the ancient household: they were used for hair, garments and sewing. They were also a utensil, for example, in the work of doctors (Surgical instruments), sailmakers etc. Tattoos were also done using special needles. The shape of the pin, long and thin with one sharp end, has not changed since prehistoric times. In sewing needles, the head is generally unadorned and flat; …
Brill’s New Pauly
(3,489 words)
[English version] I. Allgemein N. (βελόνη/
belónē, περόνη/
perónē, ῥαφίς/
rhaphís, lat.
acus) wurden auch im ant. Haushalt unterschiedlich verwendet: als Haar-, Gewand- oder Näh-N. Daneben waren sie Arbeitsutensil z.B. bei Ärzten (Medizinische Instrumente), Segelmachern u.a.; ebenfalls sind Tätowierungen mit bes. N. ausgeführt worden. Die lange, zu einem Ende spitz auslaufende Stabform der N. hat sich seit der Frühzeit nicht geändert. Bei der Näh-N. ist der Kopf meist unverziert und flach; darunter sitzt da…
Der Neue Pauly