Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Zager, Werner" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Zager, Werner" )' returned 4 results. Modify search
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Divine Judgment
(4,102 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. Early Judaism – IV. New Testament – V. Dogmatics
I. Religious Studies
1. The judgment discussed here is not in response to a specific transgression or lapse on the part of an individual; it is a judgment upon his or her entire life, taking place only after death and determining the fate of the ¶ deceased in the next world. Because this notion implies the idea of a just recompense, it has the quality and function of a theodicy that seeks…
Religion Past and Present
Neuenschwander, Ulrich
(144 words)
[German Version] (Jul 4, 1922, Bolligen near Bern –Jun 26, 1977, Zollikofen near Bern), pastor in Urtenen (1949–1954) and Olten (1954–1965), and professor of systematic theology in Bern from 1967 onward. Strongly influenced by M. Werner, A. Schweitzer, and P. Tillich, Neuenschwander represented a new liberal theology that emphasized the dimension of the unfathomable in accordance with the biblical conception of existence. Neuenschwander brought Schweitzer’s theological and philosophical legacy to fruition and initiated the publication of the latter’s unpublished works in
Religion Past and Present
Consistent Eschatology
(327 words)
[German Version] In the first place, the notion of “consistent eschatology” was used by A. Schweitzer to designate his proposed solution for the historical ¶ problem of the life of Jesus (Life-of-Jesus research), according to which not only Jesus' proclamation (as held by J. Weiß), but also his behavior and deeds were conditioned by the eschatological expectation of an imminent parousia. In addition, consistent eschatology also refers to a branch of research that investigates the history of …
Religion Past and Present
End of the World
(2,438 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religions – II. Bible
I. History of Religions The (potentially) imminent end of the world is taken up in many religious traditions, as is evident from the ¶ many graphic accounts of it. The term
end of the world refers primarily to cosmological (“physical”) eschatology, as distinct from individual and collective eschatology (i.e. from the idea of a judgment of all or of each person individually). Some fundamental distinctions should be drawn. First, cyclically oriented models of explaining the end of the …
Religion Past and Present