Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Heine, Peter" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Heine, Peter" )' returned 10 results. Modify search
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Quranic Schools
(299 words)
[German Version] A quranic school (Arab.
kuttāb) is a neighborhood institution in a town or village, often connected with a mosque, in which Muslim boys and girls between the ages of four and 14 acquire familiarity with the Qurʾān (Education: IX). Traditionally they begin with the first sura, al-Fāti
ḥa, then go to the 114th, the last and shortest sura of the Qurʾān, followed by the remaining suras in reverse order. The suras are always learned by heart in Arabic, even when that is not the children’s mother tongue, through constant repetition…
Religion Past and Present
Zār Cult
(104 words)
[German Version] In Sudan, Egypt, and (through migration) some countries of the Persian Gulf region, cults centered on possession and healing (Sickness and healing: II), which probably originated in sub-Saharan Africa, are called Zār cults, a term deriving from the Arabic verb
zāra, “visit.” Today Zār is found primarily in the rural areas of these countries or in the traditional quarters of the large cities. It is practiced primarily by women of Muslim but also Christian background who are exposed to strong social pressures. Peter Heine Bibliography I.M. Lewis
et al., eds.,
Women’s Med…
Religion Past and Present
(258 words)
[German Version] (“caution, fear”) means concealment or denial of one’s affiliation with a particular school of Islam (II, 1), often heterodox; it can also mean active participation in the rituals of a majority religion on the part of a sectarian to protect against danger to life and limb. This dissimulation can go so far that secret adherents of the heterodox beliefs adopt names typical of the majority religion.
Taḳiyya is especially significant in religio-social contexts in which the danger of persecution and obliteration of the religious minority is reinforce…
Religion Past and Present
(994 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religions – II. History of Christianity
I. History of Religions
1. Pre-Islam The geographical term Afghanistan occurs first in 10th-century Arabic and Persian sources. The political boundaries of Afghanistan were established in the 2nd half of the 19th century by the colonial powers of England and Russia. Although the realm …
Religion Past and Present
Religious Education
(5,807 words)
[German Version]
I. History Religious education (RE) in schools, in modern usage of the term (for RE in a broader sense see Christian doctrine classes, Confirmation classes), is the result of the general differentiation process that led to the promotion of religious learning beyond the contexts of family and worship. The schools of the European cultural sphere arose largely in the area of the church (School and church, Church schools, Monastery schools); for a long time, schooling was essentially based on religious texts. Since each country established its own particular forms…
Religion Past and Present
Folk Piety/Folk Religion
(6,308 words)
[German Version] I. Folk/Folk Religion – II. Religious Studies – III. Judaism – IV. Christianity – V. Islam
I. Folk/Folk Religion In the English-speaking realm, the adjective “folk” marks common cultural pheonomena as expressions of a peas-¶ ant population. The superordinated term “folk-lore,” coined in 1846 by William John Thomas and popularized by the establishment of Folklore Societies (England 1878, USA 1888), in its customary, more restricted definition encompasses the pre-literary tradition, i.e. the narratives and songs…
Religion Past and Present
(5,515 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Bible – III. History of Doctrine and Dogmatics – IV. Judaism – V. Islam – VI. Buddhism – VII. History of Art and Literature
I. Religious Studies The history of the term “paradise” is informative for determining its meaning. The word “paradise” is derived from the ancient Iranian *
paridaēza, literally “surrounding wall.” It appears as a loanword in many other languages, for example as the Akkadian
pardēsu, the Hebrew פַּרְדֵּס/
pardes or the Greek παράδεισος/
parádeisos. These terms denote an enclosed park or garden (cf. Xeno-¶ phon,
Anabasis V…
Religion Past and Present
(13,709 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Christianity – III. Judaism – IV. Buddhism – V. Islam
I. Religious Studies
1. Overview. Mission is not a fundamentally universal phenomenon in the history of religions; neither is every form in which religion is passed on
eo ipso mission. “Primary,” tribal religions are not missionary religions. Their domain is coterminous with their society and its way of life; they are handed down from one generation to the next in the course of natural life. The question of truth does not arise. An indivi…
Religion Past and Present
(15,859 words)
[German Version] I. Origin and Spread – II. Doctrine – III. Islamic Philosophy – IV. Islamic Art (Architecture and Book Art) – V. Islamic Studies – VI. Christianity and Islam – VII. Judaism and Islam – VIII. Islam in Europe – IX. Islam in North America – X. Political Islamism
I. Origin and Spread
1. Muḥammad and his message In 569 ce, Muḥammad was born in Mecca, a city with the shrine of the Kaʿba at its center. Mecca enjoyed good relations with the Sasanian Empire and its Arab vassal princes in Ḥīra, but considered itself politically independen…
Religion Past and Present
(11,861 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies and History of Religions – II. Death and the Realm of the Dead in the Old Testament – III. Judaism – IV. New Testament – V. Philosophy – VI. Philosophy of Religion – VII. History of Dogma and Dogmatics – VIII. Ethics – IX. Practical Theology – X. Art – XI. Islam – XII. Buddhism – XIII. Hinduism
I. Religious Studies and History of Religions
1. General Modern religious criticism regards religion as compensation for human anxiety in the face of death. …
Religion Past and Present