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Old Age
(1,684 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Ethics – III. Practical Theology
I. Religious Studies Secular society distinguishes different periods in a person’s personal and professional life; religions do much the same. Awareness of people’s age gives a sense of their capabilities and standing. Childhood and adulthood are lengthy periods in a person’s life. Two transitional stages (Rites of passage) are usually much shorter: they serve to prepare young people for adulthood and the elderly for their death. Rituals signal the transition to …
Religion Past and Present
Elderly, Care of the
(603 words)
[German Version]
I. In continuity with Israelite-Jewish tradition, Christianity has adopted the principle that the elderly are entitled to the necessities of life, the granting of a place to live, and a death with dignity. Systematic diaconal organization initiatives have brought this conviction to enduring reality. Over the course of history, a varied system of support and servi…
Religion Past and Present