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(1,617 words)
[German Version]
I. Literary Studies A text is a sequence of sentences or other linguistic utterances that can be considered as a unit. It may be oral or written. The term
text derives from Latin
texere, “weave,” and its associated nouns
textum and
textus. The metaphor of weaving, already used by Cicero and Quintilian with reference to linguistic phenomena, has had ongoing influence, down to present-day attempts to define the “textuality” of texts. In earlier usage, preserved in the tradition of philology, a text is an existing original …
Religion Past and Present
Literature, Study of Biblical
(2,343 words)
[German Version] I. Scientific Framework – II. Limits and Tasks – III. The Concept of “Text” – IV. Texture and Observability of Textual Communication – V. Conclusions
I. Scientific Framework The empirical approach developed here differs from the established methods employed in linguistics and the study of literature (Richter; Exegesis: IV, 1.c.γ) in that its categories and criteria are based on text and communication theory. As a scientific method for the observation and description of texts, this approach provides an analytic basis for res…
Religion Past and Present
(1,340 words)
[English Version]
I. Literaturwissenschaftlich T. sind (mündliche oder schriftliche) Satzfolgen oder anderweitige sprachliche Äußerungen, die als Einheit betrachtet werden können. Der Begriff »T.« leitet sich von lat. texere, »weben, flechten«, bzw. den damit zusammenhängenden Nomina textum bzw. textus ab. Die Gewebemetaphorik, die bereits bei Cicero und Quintilian in bezug auf sprachliche Gegebenheiten verwendet wurde, hat bis hin zu heutigen wiss. Versuchen, die »Textualität« von T. zu bestimmen,…