Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Oegema, Gerbern S." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Oegema, Gerbern S." )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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(6,443 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies In comparison with expiation (I), reconciliation is defined more specifically; as a rule, its goal is to restore a personal relationship undermined by guilt or sin. In reconciliation we are dealing with a category rooted in ¶ the Judeo-Christian tradition that cannot be translated readily into other contexts. In comparison with Western Christianity, the understanding of reconciliation in Judaism displays several distinctive features. As in Christianity, the concept of reconciliation is complementar…
Religion Past and Present
Star of David
(918 words)
Symbol comprising a six-pointed star, in widespread use in various cultures since Antiquity, which became a Jewish emblem (Hebr.
magen David) in the Late Middle Ages. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Star of David gradually developed into a symbol of affiliation to the Jewish people; it became the national symbol when the State of Israel was founded in 1948.The six-pointed star (hexagram) is known in many cultures as a decorative, magic, or symbolic element, along with the five-pointed star. It is attested within Jewish cultures beginning in the…
(8,664 words)
This article will discuss several themes that emerge from the reception history of Jewish apocalypticism in the early church, both in terms of the production of new apocalypses, the integration of an apocalyptic worldview and the development of early patristic eschatology.One overarching theme is the on-even history of the canonization of the book of Revelation in the early church. Another theme is how the church fathers reflected theologically on the book of Revelation, in addition to the book of Daniel, and how they connected it…