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(1,265 words)
[German Version] I. Dogmatics – II. Ethics – III. Law
I. Dogmatics Despite its central significance for the understanding of the human being, discussion about guilt in Christian ¶ theology at the present time has lost its importance. The criticism made by F. Nietzsche and S. Freud of the categorial function of guilt for the Christian religion has, through the psychologically interpreted definitions and effects of guilt, eclipsed the dogmatic adoption of the concept in dogmatics and its application to present analyses of …
Religion Past and Present
Religious Offenses
(345 words)
[German Version]
1. Religious offenses are penal provisions of state law with a bearing on religion or ideologies. They prohibit either behaviors that discredit the religious convictions of the population or a segment thereof, or disruptive interferences in the practice of religion (Freedom of religion). The concrete nature of religious offenses in the respective national criminal law is essentially determined by the general relationship (for the most part constitutionally regulated) between state and religion, or religious communities.
2. The historical development of r…
Religion Past and Present