Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Steimle, Christopher (Erfurt)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Steimle, Christopher (Erfurt)" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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(4,351 words)
(Latin 'hill', 'funerary mound', pl.
tumuli; Greek τύμβος/
týmbos, σῆμα/
sêma; χῶμα/
chôma). I. Definition, distribution, function [German version] A. Definition Tumulusis a general term for a mound, as a rule artificial and usually round or oval in plan, associated with a burial ('burial mounds', as opposed, e.g., to prehistoric settlement mounds). Tumulus burial (‘mound burial’) describes all burials that have been covered by a mound. Tumulus is also used in archaeology as a technical term for burial mounds outsid…
Brill’s New Pauly
(3,489 words)
[English version] I. Allgemein N. (βελόνη/
belónē, περόνη/
perónē, ῥαφίς/
rhaphís, lat.
acus) wurden auch im ant. Haushalt unterschiedlich verwendet: als …
Der Neue Pauly