
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Weiler, Ingomar (Graz)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Weiler, Ingomar (Graz)" )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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(1,906 words)

Author(s): Hurschmann, Rolf (Hamburg) | Weiler, Ingomar (Graz) | Willers, Dietrich (Berne)
[German version] A. Myth Nudity and disrobement are hardly ever themes in Greek myth. The most striking portrayal is the undressing of Aphrodite by Anchises in the Homeric hymn to Aphrodite (H. Hom. Aphr. 155-167), even if the nudity of the goddess is not explicitly mentioned (cf. Hom. Od. 8,265-305). More frequent is the accidental observation of a goddess bathing, followed by punishment (transformation, blinding etc). Instances are Erymanthus, Actaeon and Teiresias. The case of Arethusa [7] is dif…


(1,122 words)

Author(s): Weiler, Ingomar (Graz) | Weiler, Gabriele
[German version] I. Definition and historical Development In antiquity, endowments were private donations for specific and perpetual purposes, often repeated at set intervals:  sacrifices, banquets, games (  ludi ), monetary payments to a specified group of people, or commemorative rites ( Dead, cult of the). They were based on single transfers of property; whose yields were then used to finance the purpose of the endowment (Pliny [2]: CIL V 5262 = ILS 2927), such as e.g. the transfer of a piece of la…


(1,823 words)

Author(s): Hurschmann, Rolf (Hamburg) | Weiler, Ingomar (Graz) | Willers, Dietrich (Bern)
[English version] A. Mythos N. und Entblößung sind im griech. Mythos recht selten thematisiert; die eindrucksvollste Schilderung ist das Entkleiden der Aphrodite durch Anchises im homer. Hymnos auf Aphrodite (Hom. h. in Aphr. 155-167), auch wenn die N. der Göttin nicht ausdrücklich erwähnt wird (vgl. Hom. Od. 8,265-305). Häufiger ist das eher zufällige Beobachten einer Göttin im Bade, das bei seinem Ertapptwerden mit einer Bestrafung (Verwandlung, Erblindung u.a.) endet; Erymanthos, Aktaion und Teir…