Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Hartinger, Walter" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Hartinger, Walter" )' returned 5 results. Modify search
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Boy Bishop
(255 words)
[German Version] The “boy bishop” is the central figure of the boy-bishop ceremonies found from the 10th century through the 18th, primarily in France, the Netherlands, England, Germany, Italy, and Spain. On the feast of the Holy Innocents (Dec 28), the cathedral su…
Religion Past and Present
Devotional Objects
(1,373 words)
[German Version] I. Antiquity – II. Early Church – III. Middle Ages to the Present
I. Antiquity Devotional objects can be understood as objects of private piety and religiosity common in all ancient cultures (cf. Epict.,
Dissertationes II 8.12), where they were in demand, especially in daily life for magical/apotropaic or energetic/sacramental purposes, and were traded commercially (Philostr.
Religion Past and Present
Fairy Tales
(1,964 words)
[German Version] I. Literary History – II. Religious History – III. In Religious Education
I. Literary History The fairy tale (the diminutive German term
Märchen derives from MHG
maere, “tidings,” “news,” “story, narrative”; the English term has been variously derived from ME
faie, fei< MF
feie, fee< Lat.
fata; a genre term since the 16th cent.) as a basic genre of literary narrative is ¶ characterized by elements of the fantastic, miraculous, and supernatural. Neither t…
Religion Past and Present
Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
(454 words)
[German Version] The earliest evidence for the celebration of Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras, Carnival) comes from the towns and cities of the 12th and 13th centuries; the nature of the celebration was based on its contrast with Lent: sumptuous, rich foods, copious drink, dancing, sporting events and games (often with a special role for butchers; cf. the
Schembartlauf [“run of the hairy/bearded men”] in Nuremberg), special festivities of the nobility and dignitaries, allegorical plays and entertainments, weddings, and legal proceedings (payment of taxes). Earlier scholarship gener…
Religion Past and Present
Pilgrimage/Places of Pilgrimage
(9,650 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies A pilgrimage is a journey by an individual or group, religiously motivated, usually over a substantial distance and (esp. in earlier periods) demanding great effort. …
Religion Past and Present