
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Ruddies, Hartmut" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Ruddies, Hartmut" )' returned 27 results. Modify search

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(164 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] Quervain, Alfred de (28.9.1896 La Neuveville, Kanton Bern – 30.10.1968 Bern). Nach dem Studium der ev. Theol. und Philos. in Bern, Basel, Marburg (P. Natorp) und Berlin sowie dem Staatsexamen in Bern (1921) war Q. Pfarrer in La Neuveville, Stuttgart, Elberfeld und Laufen (Kanton Bern). 1929 Promotion zum Lic. theol. in Basel, 1930 dort auch Habil. und PD für Syst. Theol. Seit 1935 unter Beibehaltung seines Basler Lehrauftrags Dozent an der Kirchl. Hochschule der Bekennenden Kirche …

Stuttgarter Schuldbekenntnis

(577 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] . Die Stuttgarter Erklärung (SE) des Rates der EKD vom 18./19.10.1945 reicht mit ihrer Vorgesch. bis in die Zeit nach dem 1. Weltkrieg zurück. Die SE selbst verläßt als Bekenntnis das geschützte Areal akademisch-theol. Reflexion, um einen Neuanfang der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (: I.) nach 1945 zu vollziehen. Dabei wollte sie die Bedeutung überindividueller Schuldverstrickung so ansprechen, daß jeder Protestant und jeder Deutsche selbst die Verantwortung für das eigene Versagen und Verschulden übernehmen konnte. 1. Die SE war das Resultat la…


(149 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] Sylten, Werner (9.8.1893 Hergiswyl, Schweiz – 26.8.1942 Konzentrationslager Schloß Hartheim, Österreich), ev. Pfarrer. Studium in Marburg und Berlin (F. Siegmund-Schultze); Vikariat in Göttingen und Dannenberg; 1922 Hilfsgeistlicher am Frauenseminar in Himmelsthür vor Hildesheim, 1925–1936 Pfarrer und Leiter des Thüringer Frauenasyls in Bad Köstritz. Ab 1930 im Bund Religiöser Sozialisten in Thüringen (Emil Fuchs). Seit 1933 Mitarbeit im Landesbruderrat der luth. Gemeinschaft der …


(326 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] Niesel, Wilhelm (7.1.1903 Berlin – 13.3.1988 Königstein im Taunus), seit 1922 Studium der ev. Theol. in Berlin (Neuwerkkreis um G.K. Dehn), Tübingen und Göttingen (K. Barth). Nach dem Examen in Berlin 1926 gab er zus. mit Peter Barth von 1926–1936 die »Opera selecta« Calvins und 1928 auch eine Neuausg. dessen »Institutio« heraus. 1930 promovierte er bei Barth in Münster zum Lic.theol., wurde Ordinarius in der Nicolai-Kirche in Berlin und Hilfsprediger in Wittenberg/Brandenburg. Vo…


(180 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] Weber, Otto Heinrich (4.6.1902 Mühlheim am Rhein – 19.10.1966 St. Moritz). Nach dem Vikariat 1928 Dozent und von 1930–1933 Direktor der Theol. Schule in Elberfeld, im Mai 1933 Mitglied der NSDAP und der Deutschen Christen. Ab 1933 ref. Mitglied des Geistl. Ministeriums und Kirchenminister der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche, nach der Berliner Sportpalastkundgebung im November Austritt aus der deutschchristl. Bewegung und im Dezember Rücktritt vom Amt. 1934–1966 Prof. für Ref. Theol…


(251 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] Ragaz, Leonhard (28.7.1868 Tamins, Graubünden – 6.12.1945 Zürich). Theologiestudium in Basel, Jena (bei R.A. Lipsius) und Berlin (bei O. Pfleiderer); Pfarrer in Graubünden und Chur, 1902 am Basler Münster, dort Entfernung vom theol. Liberalismus und Aufgabe seiner v.a. an G.W. F. Hegel, R. Rothe und A. Ritschl orientierten optimistischen Geschichtsphilos. zugunsten einer eschatologisch gestimmten Theol., in der das Reich Gottes »Hoffnung für die Erde« und Handlungszweck und -ziel …


(160 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich (14.6.1885 Görlitz – 11.7.1969 Soest), ev. Theologe und Sozialpädagoge. Studium der Theol. in Tübingen, Breslau, Marburg, Halle und Berlin, 1910 Promotion bei W. Herrmann, 1911 Begründer und Leiter der Sozialen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Berlin Ost, 1914 Mitbegründer des »Weltbundes für internationale Freundschaftsarbeit der Kirchen« und des »Internationalen Versöhnungsbundes«, im 1. Weltkrieg Gründer und Leiter der Dt. Kriegsgefangenenhilfe. 1917 Leiter des …


(170 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] Vogel, Heinrich (9.4.1902 Pröttlin, Westpriegnitz – 26.12.1989 Berlin). Seit 1927 Pfarrer in Oderberg und Dobbrikow (Mark), 1935 Dozent und 1937–1941 Leiter der (illegalen) Kirchl. Hochschule der Bekennenden Kirche und Mitglied ihres Bruderrates, der Reichs- und Preußischen Bekenntnissynoden und der vorläufigen Kirchenleitung der Ev. Kirche der Altpreußischen Union, war V. eine der Hauptfiguren der Bekennenden Kirche in Berlin, wurde mehrfach inhaftiert und erhielt Schreibverbot. …


(172 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] , Ernst Friedrich (2.8.1902 Prag – 11.9.1971 Garmisch-Partenkirchen). 1925 in Rostock Lic.theol. und Habilitation. 1930/31 Lehrstuhlvertretung in Tübingen, 1931 Prof. für Kirchengesch. und christl. Archäologie in Bonn, 1935 als prominenter Theologe der Bekennenden Kirche nach Halle strafversetzt. Nach Kriegsdienst und Gefangenschaft 1945 Prof. in Göttingen, von 1957–1970 als Prof. der Syst. Theol. 1932–1942 und 1945–1971 Hg. der »EvTh«, 1940 Gründer der »Gesellschaft für evangelis…

Sylten, Werner

(208 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Aug 9, 1893, Hergiswyl, Switzerland – Aug 26, 1942, Schloß Hartheim concentration camp, Austria), Protestant clergyman. After studying in Marburg and Berlin (F. Siegmund-Schultze), he served his pastoral internship in Göttingen and Dannenberg. In 1922 he was appointed associate pastor at the women’s school in Himmelsthür outside Hildesheim. From 1925 to 1936 he served as pastor and director of the Thuringian home for girls in Bad Köstritz. In 1930 he joined the League of Religious Socialists in Thuringia (Emil Fuchs). From 1933 he served on the Thuringian ¶ Council …

Vogel, Heinrich

(226 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Apr 9, 1902, Pröttlin, West Prignitz – Dec 26, 1989, Berlin). In 1927 Vogel became pastor in Oderberg and Dobbrikow (Mark Brandenburg). In 1935 he became a lecturer at the (illegal) seminary of the Confessing Church, which he headed from 1937 to 1941. He was a member of the church’s Council of Brethren, as well as a member of the Confessing Synods of the Reich and of Prussia, and of the provisional governing body of the Evangelical Church of the Old Prussian Union. As a leading f…

Weber, Otto Heinrich

(267 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Jun 4, 1902, Mühlheim am Rhein – Oct 19, 1966, St. Moritz). After his theological internship, he was appointed lecturer at the seminary in Elberfeld in 1928, serving as its director from 1930 to 1933. In May of 1933 he joined the Nazi Party and the German Christian movement (Deutsche Christen). In 1933 he was appointed to the Geistliches Ministerium of the German Evangelical Church as a Reformed member and became its Minister of Church Affairs. After the November Berlin Sports Pa…

Kirschbaum, Charlotte von

(190 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Lollo; Jun 25, 1899, Ingolstadt, Germany – Jul 24, 1975, Riehen near Basel, Switzerland), collaborated with K. Barth and lived with him and his family from 1929 to 1966. At first, Kirschbaum was a theologically interested Red Cross nurse, company welfare worker, and secretary. She belonged to the circle around G. Merz in Munich, who introduced her to theology and then, after 1924/ 1925, to Barth's circle of friends. She accompanied Barth's theological development as an independen…

Kloppenburg, Heinz

(176 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (May 10, 1903, Elsfleth, Wesermarsch – Feb 18, 1986, Bremen) studied theology from 1925 (principally in Marburg). Kloppenburg became pastor in Rüstringen in 1932, chairman of the Pastors Emergency League and leading member of the Confessing Church in Oldenburg (1937–1945), and a member of the Synod of Barmen in 1934 (The Barmen Declaration: I). Removed from office on Dec 1, 1937, Kloppenburg became liaison person for the Confessing Church after rehabilitation. A member of the High…

Wolf, Ernst Friedrich

(227 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Aug 2, 1902, Prague – Sep 11, 1971, Garmisch-Partenkirchen) received his Lic.theol. and habilitation from Rostock in 1925. In 1930/1931 he held a substitute position at Tübingen; in 1931 he was appointed professor of church history and Christian archaeology in Bonn. In 1935, as a prominent theologian of the Confessing Church, he was transferred to Halle for disciplinary reasons. After military service and imprisonment, he was appointed to a chair in Göttingen in 1945, from 1957 t…

Ragaz, Leonhard

(290 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Jul 28, 1868, Tamins, Graubünden/ Grisons – Dec 6, 1945, Zürich), studied theology in Basel, Jena (under R.A. Lipsius), and Berlin (under O. Pfleiderer); he was pastor in Graubünden and Chur, then in 1902 at the Basel Minster, where he distanced himself from theological liberalism and relinquished its optimistic philosophy of history – which was much influenced by G.W.F. Hegel, R. Rothe, and A. Ritschl – in favor of a theology, eschatological in tone, in which the kingdom of God is “hope for the earth” and the purpose and goal of Christian ethics, and ¶ religion and the so…

Quervain, Alfred de

(181 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Sep 28, 1896, La Neuveville, canton of Bern – Oct 30, 1968, Bern). After studying Protestant theology and philosophy at Bern, Basel, Marburg (P. Natorp), and Berlin and passing his state examination in Bern (1921), Quervain served as pastor in La Neuveville, Stuttgart, Elberfeld, and Laufen (canton of Bern). In 1919 he gained his Lic.theol. at Basel, where he also received his Habilitation and taught systematic theology as a lecturer. After 1935, while retaining his Basel appointment, he lectured at the seminary of the Confessing Church in …

Niesel, Wilhelm

(422 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Jan 7, 1903, Berlin – Mar 13, 1988, Königstein im Taunus) began his studies of Protestant theology in 1922 in Berlin (Neuwerkkreis study group associated with G.K. Dehn), Tübingen, and Göttingen (K. Barth). After his examinations in Berlin in 1926, he and Peter Barth edited the Opera Selecta of John Calvin between 1926 and 1936, and in 1928 a new edition of Calvin’s Institutio. In 1930 Niesel received his theological degree (Lic.theol.) under Barth in Münster, and became ordinary in the Nikolaikirche in Berlin and auxiliary preacher in Witte…

Siegmund-Schultze, Friedrich

(243 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Jun 14, 1885, Görlitz – Jul 11, 1969, Soest), Protestant theologian and pioneer in social education. After studying in Tübingen, Breslau (Wrocław), Marburg, Halle, and Berlin, he received his doctorate in 1910 under W. Herrmann. In 1911 he founded and became the first head of the Soziale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Berlin Ost; in 1914 he was a joint founder of the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches and the International Fellowship of Reconciliation…

Stuttgart Confession of Guilt

(671 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] The historical roots of the Stuttgart Confession of Guilt issued by the council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) on Oct 18/19, 1945, go back to the period following World War I. The declaration itself, as a confession of guilt, left the sheltered sphere of academic theological reflection in order to make a new beginning for the Evangelical Church in Germany (I) after 1945. Its aim was to address the meaning of supra-individual involvement in guilt in such a way that ever…

Keller, Adolf

(152 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] (Feb 7, 1872, Rüdlingen – Feb 10, 1963, Los Angeles). After studying theology and philosophy in Basel, Berlin, and Geneva, Keller was assistant pastor in Cairo from 1896 to 1899, then pastor in Burg am Rhein and pastor of the German Reformed congregation in Geneva and Zürich. From 1920 onward, Keller was secretary of the Alliance of Swiss Protestant Churches, and from 1924 to 1945 first secretary general of the European Central Bureau for Inter-Church Aid. From 1925, he participat…

Religiöse Sozialisten

(2,191 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut | Westhelle, Vítor
[English Version] I. Europa Die eur. Rel. S. eint die Rahmenvorstellung, daß zw. den Kernaussagen des christl. Glaubens und seiner Ethik und dem Sozialismus und seiner Politik Verwandtschaftsstrukturen bestehen, deren Verbindung die Überwindung der alten und den Aufbau von neuen, menschengerechten Gesellschaftsordnungen bewirken soll. Die Rel. S. unterscheiden sich in den Modellanschauungen, in der Bedeutung dieser Verwandtschaft und der Entwicklung von Praxisfiguren. 1. Die Rel. S. wurzeln in bibl. Sozialnormen, christl. Traditionen des MA und der Reform…

Religious Socialists

(2,564 words)

Author(s): Ruddies, Hartmut | Westhelle, Vítor
[German Version] I. Europe European Religious Socialists share the general view that the core statements of Christian faith and ethics have structural affinities to socialism and its politics, and that combining them should bring about the dismantling of old forms of social order and the construction of new ones, appropriate to human needs. Religious Socialists differ in their conceptual parameters, in the significance of this affinity, and in the development of praxis models. 1. Religious Socialism is rooted in biblical social norms, Christian traditions of the Middl…


(334 words)

Author(s): Fix, Karl-Heinz | Ruddies, Hartmut
[English Version] 1.Ludwig , (2.4.1846 Schwelm – 29.1.1922 Bonn), Pfarrer und Sozialpolitiker. Studium der Theol. in Bonn, Berlin und Erlangen, 1868 in Bonn Promotion zum Lic. theol., dann Oberhelfer im Johannisstift in Berlin, 1871 Hilfsprediger in Iserlohn, 1872 Pfarrer in Dellwig. Bes. als Pfarrer in Mönchen-Gladbach (1881–1914) baute W. Arbeiter- (Arbeitervereinsbewegung), Sittlichkeits-, Frauen- und Bildungsvereine auf und wirkte in deren Dachverbänden maßgeblich mit. Mit A. Stoecker und A. W…


(411 words)

Author(s): Fix, Karl-Heinz | Ruddies, Hartmut
[German Version] 1. Ludwig (Apr 2, 1846, Schwelm – Jan 29, 1922, Bonn), pastor and social policy maker. After studying in Bonn, Berlin, and Erlangen, Weber received his Lic.theol. from Bonn in 1868 and was appointed senior assistant at the Johannesstift in Berlin. In 1871 he was appointed assistant preacher in Iserlohn and in 1872 pastor in Dellwig. Especially as pastor in Mönchen-Gladbach (1881–1914), he organized workers’ groups (Workers’ movement, Protestant), morality societies, women’s associat…


(3,325 words)

Author(s): Altvater, Elmar | Ruddies, Hartmut | Dorn, Jacob H.
[English Version] I. Zum Begriff S. bez. eine theoretische Strömung, polit. Bewegungen (Parteien) und eine Organisationsform von Staat und Gesellschaft. Als theoretische Strömung entstand der moderne (unterschieden vom prämodernen) S. im 19.Jh. als Antwort auf die Zumutungen der sich dynamisch entfaltenden kapitalistischen Produktionsweise (Kapitalismus). Allen Sozialismuskonzepten gemeinsam ist die Ablehnung des individualistischen, privatwirtschaftlichen Profitprinzips als alleiniger oder wesentli…


(3,591 words)

Author(s): Altvater, Elmar | Ruddies, Hartmut | Dorn, Jacob H.
[German Version] I. Terminology The word socialism can denote a theoretical school of thought, a political movement (Parties), and a way of organizing the state and society. As a theoretical school, modern (as distinct from premodern) socialism emerged in the 19th century as a response to the unreasonable demands of dynamically expanding capitalistic control of the means of production (Capitalism). All conceptions of socialism share rejection of the individualistic profit principle based on a private …
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