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Monarchy in Israel
(1,523 words)
1. Israelite Monarchies There were various monarchies in ancient Israel (§1). Israel itself was originally made up of tribes, with monarchy not native to it. The monarchy was introduced and adopted only with further developments, dependent in part on the overall political situation in the Middle East. The main source for the history of monarchy in Israel is the OT (Judges; …
(1,320 words)
1. OT From the time of W. M. L. de Wette and H. Gunkel, the term “hymn” (Gk.
hymnos, corresponding in part to Heb.
tĕhillâ) has been used in studies of the Psalms for psalms of praise such as Psalms 8, 19, 29, 33, 46–48, 65, …
Psalms, Book of
(4,866 words)
1. OT 1.1.
Terms and Place in Canon The term “Psalms” or “Psalter” is used for the OT collection of 150 songs and prayers. It comes from the Greek OT (Bible Manuscripts and Editions; Bible Versions). The Codex Alexandrinus has