
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Oechsler, Walter A." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Oechsler, Walter A." )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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(305 words)

Author(s): Oechsler, Walter A.
[German Version] Management is the administration of sociotechnical systems on both the personal and task-oriented level with the aid of professional methods. With the growth of industry, the emergence of corporations as legal persons, and the resulting increased separation of ownership and business administration, the administration of (large) enterprises was entrusted increasingly to trained managers. In the years that followed, the task of these managers in large corporations with extensive division of labor was to ensure the coordination of corporate decisions. The term ma…


(3,029 words)

Author(s): Oechsler, Walter A.
[German Version] I. Economic History – II. Business Economics – III. Social Ethics I. Economic History 1. Antiquity and Middle Ages. From the viewpoint of economic history, different forms of business are predominant in different periods, depending on the prevailing social and economic order. We therefore begin with a general definition of business: a business is an economic operation unit …

Pay and Reward

(2,609 words)

Author(s): Birmelé, André | Oechsler, Walter A.
[German Version] I. Dogmatics That human beings should receive payment as agreed remuneration for labor is in line, according to Old Testament law, with the will of God (Gen 29:15; Deut 24:14f.; Zech 8:10). The New Testament knows that laborers are worthy of their hire (1 Tim 5:18; cf. Luke 10:7; Matt 20:8). When the rich withhold or delay payment, this is a sin crying out before God (Jer 22:13; Jas 5:4). The NT recognizes “payment for unrighteousness” as punishment for an act of betrayal (Acts 1:18), or for dishonest and grasping money-making (2 Pet 2:13, 15). In a figurative sense, paymen…