Your search for 'dc_creator:( "WilhelmGraf, Friedrich" ) OR dc_contributor:( "WilhelmGraf, Friedrich" )' returned 8 results. Modify search
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Radikalismus, sozialer
(504 words)
[English Version] . Der Begriff R. wird in Alltagssprachen, Fachsprachen verschiedener Wiss. und polit. Diskursen gebraucht. Dt. polit. Begriffsprägungen lassen sich erstmals in den ideenpolit. Debatten des Vormärz (: I.) und in den mit ihnen eng verknüpften rel. Parteienkämpfen nachweisen. Maßgebend waren damals brit. und franz. Diskurse des 18.Jh. In Großbritannien hatte man seit ca.1740 all jene polit. Programme als R. charakterisiert, die durch entschiedene Reform von Parlament und Wahlrecht a…
(724 words)
[English Version] Wellhausen,
Julius (17.5.1844 Hameln – 7.1.1918 Göttingen). Der Sohn eines konservativ luth. Pastors studierte in Göttingen ev. Theol., stark beeinflußt durch H. Ewald, der ihn neben bibl. Exegese auch Syrisch und Arabisch lehrte. Nach der 1870 erfolgten Göttinger Lizentiatenpromotion und Habil. im Fache AT wurde W. 1872 als Ordinarius nach Greifswald berufen. Sofern der »kirchl. und wiss. Standpunkt« je elementar verschieden seien, ein Theologieprof. aber für die Kirche gute Pfar…
Societies, Theological
(534 words)
[German Version] The roots of scientific societies go back to the learned societies of the Enlightenment. In the secular form of private associations, scholars began joining in specialized societies in the post-Napoleonic period (Vormärz); they wished to articulate their interests, influence public opinion, and organize discussions of central questions in their fields. Communication within these societies took the form of congresses, circular letters, and specialized journals. Historians of cultur…
Religion Past and Present
Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchenbund
(360 words)
[German Version] (DEKB; German Association of Protestant Churches). The end of ecclesiastical authority in the hands of the territorial princes and the birth of the Weimar Republic in 1919 provoked debates about internal reform and democratization of the church and the possibility of a national church. In the name of territorial autonomy, politically and eccle…
Religion Past and Present
(636 words)
[German Version] The origins and the history of the concept have scarcely been investigated. The earliest known German attestations date from the
Vormärz , around 1830. In terms of its conceptual history, confessionalism is thus a specifically modern phenomenon. It reflects upon dramatic processes of religio-cultural change. In many European societies, from c. 1780 onward, the drifting apart of state and …
Religion Past and Present
Confession Cultures
(566 words)
[German Version] The relatively recent concept of confession cultures belongs to the terminology of modern cultural studies, where it is employed in conjunction with the analysis of the processes of confessional socialization, especially in Germany, but also in other multi-denominational European societies. Following the end of the confessionally homogeneous society of the old German Reich, during which ecclesial and political authorities had effected a denomina…
Religion Past and Present
(1,043 words)
[German Version]
I. Church History Talk of a “new” or “modern” Protestantism surfaced sporadically c. 1800, but did not achieve a firm foothold until the hardening of deep religious and cultural divides between “liberal theologians” (Liberal theology), mediation theologians (Mediation theology), theological Hegelians (Hegelianism), and Neo-Lutheran confessionalists (Neo-Lutheranism) during the 1830s. The neologism
neo-Protestants was initially used in the late 1830s as a pejorative description of Protestant theologians who interpreted the Reformat…
Religion Past and Present