Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Flüchter, Antje" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Flüchter, Antje" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
Did you mean: dc_creator:( "fluchter, antje" ) OR dc_contributor:( "fluchter, antje" )Sort Results by Relevance | Newest titles first | Oldest titles first
(917 words)
1. DefinitionThe term
Knecht (plural
Knechte; from OHG
chneht, MHG
kneht; cf. Dutch
knecht) originally meant a (young) man. By the 12th century at the latest, the meaning had narrowed to males in a serving or learning position – a
Bäckerknecht was a journeyman baker, a
Metzgerknecht a journeyman butcher (Journeymen; Crafts and trades); compare also
Henkersknecht (“hangman’s assistant”) and
Edelknecht (“squire”). In the early modern period, however, the term referred primarily to male farm hands (
Bauernknechte; Servants in husbandry). This meaning is distinct…
(1,442 words)
1. “Magd” in the German landsThe German term
Magd (“maid”; OHG
magat, MHG
magt, Dutch
maagd, Frisian
megith) at first denoted an unmarried adult woman, but came in particular to refer to rural female servants in husbandry.The
Magd, as a seasonal rural laborer, was – like the
Knecht – widespread in regions where the European marriage pattern and the nuclear family centered on a married couple were customary. Service as a maid in rural society accordingly marked a phase in the usual course of life (Curriculum vitae). Such service…
Servants in husbandry
(3,380 words)
1. DefinitionThe German term
Gesinde (servants in husbandry; from OHG
gisind, “liegeman”) denotes the servants (Knecht) and maids employed (mostly) for pay in agricultural production. Unlike day laborers, they entered into a non-seasonal contract (see 2. below) with a peasant farmer (Peasants) and were integrated into the peasant household (Ganzes Haus).Antje Flüchter2. Social aspectsThe peasant family can be thought of as a potential workforce, whose size and composition depended on the current phase of the family cycle. In early modern Eu…