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(4,229 words)
1. Knowledge in the 16th centuryThe questions of where the boundaries of knowledge lie and how far it can extend were amongst the most commonly debated in early modern philosophy. They arose in connection with the intellectual crises that were shaking Europe beginning in the 16th century.As a result of the discoveries of lands previously unknown, theological division, the proliferation of texts in print, and later the invention of the telescope and the microscope, the
Weltanschauung of the late Medieval Ages gradually eroded. Images of humanity (Humankind), the …
(10,453 words)
1. BackgroundThe term
knowledge covers a broad semantic field, as is already suggested by the various connotations of the Greek words
epistḗme (“cognition”),
gnṓsis (“wisdom”), and
dóxa (“opinion”). Knowledge has been identified with justified true belief, with access to a reality hidden behind the veil of commonplace assumptions or appearance, and with the wisdom that confers psychological tranquillity. The possession of knowledge has been contrasted with mere opinion, uncertainty, delusion, religious faith, and oth…