
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Huß, Werner (Bamberg)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Huß, Werner (Bamberg)" )' returned 226 results. Modify search

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(130 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] [1] City in Mauretania Caesariensis City in Mauretania Caesariensis (Africa [3]; Ptol. 4,2,26; Amm. 29,5,20?) on the right bank of the Oued Chéliff, modern El Kherba. Initially a civitas (Plin. HN 5,21), then a municipium (It. Ant. 38,1). Inscriptions: CIL VIII 2, 9648; 10946 f.; Suppl. 3, 21497 f.; 22569 f.; 22579; AE 1955, 149. Huß, Werner (Bamberg) Bibliography F. Windberg, s. v. T. (2), RE 6 A, 942 f. [German version] [2] Fort in Mauretania Caesariensis This item can be found on the following maps: Christianity Fort in Mauretania Caesariensis (Africa …


(277 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg) | Zahrnt, Michael (Kiel)
(Μακρόβιοι; Makróbioi, Lat. Macrobii). [German version] [1] According to Herodotus 'the long-lived Ethiopians' According to Herodotus, Cambyses had also the intention of campaigning against the ‘long-living Ethiopians’ (μακροβίους Αἰθίοπας, Hdt. 3,17,1), who lived on the ‘southern sea’ (νοτίῃ θαλάσσῃ, Hdt. l.c.; cf. also Hdt. 3,21-23). Since this notíēi thalássēi (νοτίῃ θαλάσσῃ) of Herodotus' is lost in mythical darkness, it is useless to speculate on the locales of the ‘long-living Ethiopians’, who are occasionally incorrectly separated from…


(49 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] (Πεντάπολις; Pentápolis). The region of the 'five cities' of western Cyrenaica, i.e. of Euhesperides/Berenice [8], Tauchira/Arsinoe, Barke (later outstripped by Ptolemaïs), Cyrene and Apollonia/Sozusa. With Darnis (modern Derna) the region of eastern Cyrenaica began. Huß, Werner (Bamberg) Bibliography H. Kees, s.v. P. (3), RE 19, 509f.

Tubusuctu (Thubuscum)

(190 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] City in Mauretania Sitifensis (Plin. HN 5,21; Ptol. 4,2,31; 8,13,12; Amm.  Marc. 29,5,11), about 30 km to the southwest of Saldae in the Oued Soummam valley, modern Tiklat. Although founded as a colonia by the later Augustus for veterans of the legio VII, T. adopted the (neo-)Punic traditions of the surrounding area. In the late Roman period the centre of a military district (Not. Dign. Occ. 25,27; [1. 52]). In T.'s territory there was significant olive cultivation. Inscriptions: CIL VIII 2, 8834-8921; Suppl. 3, 20648-20…


(223 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Coloniae Name of Cap Matifou, which encloses the Bay of Algiers in the northeast, and the Punic base near the cape, modern Tamentfoust. [1. 379] explains the name with Rš-gnj = 'Cap du Francolin'. Evidence: Ruthisia (?), Mela 1,31; colonia Augusti R., Plin. HN 5,20; Ῥουστόνιον/ Rhoustónion, Ptol. 4,2,6; R. colonia, It. Ant. 16,1; Rusgume, Geogr. Rav. 40,43; Rugunie, Geogr. Rav. 88,13; Rusgimia, Guido, Geographia 132,22. R. became a colonia through deductio of legio IX Gemella before AD 27 [2]. Inscriptions: CIL VIII…


(137 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Coloniae | Phoenicians, Poeni (Κούλλου; Koúllou). Coastal town in the province of Numidia, modern Collo. (Sources: Ptol. 4,3,3; It. Ant. 19,1; Tab. Peut. 3,2; Iulius Honorius, Cosmographia 44,29; Geogr. Rav. 40,21; Guido 132,32). Mentioned by Solin. (26,1) because of its purple dye works, C. was possibly a Phoenician or Punic foundation, and in any case, under strong Punic influence [1. 343-368]. Under the governorship of P. Sittius it became a colonia Minervia, and later constituted one of the quattuor coloniae Cirtens…


(160 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Coloniae City in Africa proconsularis (Africa [3]; cf. Str. 17,3,12; Plin. HN 5,29) 35 km to the north of Thugga, modern Béja, with a number of ancient remains (city wall, basilica). In the second of the Punic Wars. V. apparently supplied troops for the Carthaginian contingent (Sil. Pun. 3,259). No later than after the third Punic War, V. fell to Massinissa. During the War of Iugurtha, V. was conquered by Caecilius [I 30] Metellus (Sall. Iug. 29,4; 47,1; 66-69). It was probably Septimius [II 7] Severus, who elevated V. to a coloni…


(60 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] (Νίας/ Nías). River in western Africa, probably in Senegal (Ptol. 4,6,7). The N. is probably correctly identified with the Chretes of Hanno (Χρέτης/ Chrétēs, Hanno, Periplus 9, GGM 1,8), the Chremetes of Aristotle (Χρεμέτης/ Chremétēs, Aristot. Mete. 1,13 p. 350b) and the Bambotus (Plin. HN 5,10) [1. 776, 8147]. Huß, Werner (Bamberg) Bibliography 1 Huß. F. Windberg, s.v. Nias, RE 17, 165-167.


(101 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] [1] Maius City in Africa proconsularis, southwest of Thuburbo Maius, modern Aïn Fourna. Municipium since an indefinite period (CIL VIII Suppl. 1, 12039). Epigraphical evidence: CIL VIII 1, 752f.; Suppl. 1, 12030; 12039; Suppl. 4, 23798-23811; ILTun 617-620. Huß, Werner (Bamberg) Bibliography AATun 100, sheet 25, no. 187. [German version] [2] Minus City in Africa proconsularis, southwest of Carthage, modern Henchir Msaadine. Municipium since Caracalla (AD 211-217) (CIL VIII Suppl. 4, 25808b). Epigraphical evidence: CIL VIII 2, 10609f.; Suppl.…


(38 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] (Ξιλία; Xilía). City in northern Africa (πόλις Λιβύης, 'city in Libya'), not located. Mentioned in Alexander [23] Polyhistor FGrH 273 F 44 (1st cent. BC). Huß, Werner (Bamberg) Bibliography H. Treidler, s. v. X., RE 9 A, 2129.


(30 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] A river in Numidia, right-hand tributary of the river Bagradas, probably the Oued Mellègue. Sall. Iug. 48,3-50,2. Huß, Werner (Bamberg) Bibliography R. Oehler, s.v. Muthul, RE 16, 937f.


(99 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] Town within   Africa proconsularis , modern Henchir Hedja near Dougga. For the tradition of the place name: [1. 766]. At the time of  Antoninus [1] Pius A. was a   pagus and   civitas (CIL VIII 1, 1548), at the time of  Diocletian (AD 284-305) a   municipium (CIL VIII 1, 1550; Suppl. 4, 27415). Significant Roman and Byzantine remains, numerous inscriptions (CIL VIII 1, 1545-1570; Suppl. 1, 15549-15561; Suppl. 4, 27381-27390). Huß, Werner (Bamberg) Bibliography 1 J. Schmidt, s. v. A., RE 1, 766. AATun 050, sheet 33, no. 190 C. Lepelley, Les cités de l'Afrique romaine a…


(213 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Africa | Wine | | Coloniae | Africa | Commerce | Limes | Phoenicians, Poeni | Punic Wars | Punic Wars | Rome | Rome (Punic Tng). Berber city with a convenient natural harbour (Str. 3,1,8; Mela 1,26; Plin. HN 5,2; Plut. Sertorius 9,5; Ptol. 4,1,5; Cass. Dio 48,45,2; 60,9,5), capital from AD 40 of Mauretania Tingitana, modern Tangiers (in Morocco). The ancient city has been entirely overbuilt by modern buildings. From no later than the 8th cent. BC, Phoenician traders (Ph…


(316 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
(Τίπασα/ Típasa). [German version] [1] City in Mauretania Caesariensis This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Coloniae | Colonization | Phoenicians, Poeni City in Mauretania Caesariensis (Plin. HN 5,20; Ptol. 4,2,5; Amm. Marc. 29,5,17), about 30 km to the east of Caesarea [1], modern T. or, in Arabic, Tefased, with substantial ancient remains (two thermae, a theatre, two temples, a nymphaeum, two basilicae, etc.). Possibly a Phoenician, in any case a Punic trade port (evidence from the 6th cent. BC onwards; possibly a cult of Baal Ham…


(393 words)

Author(s): Hitzl, Konrad (Tübingen) | Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] [1] Unit of weight and coinage The mina (μνᾶ/ mná), with its multiples and divisions, was the most common Greek unit of weight alongside the stater. It was set on the one hand by the theoretical weight of the drachma coin minted in the city concerned, and on the other hand by the number of Drachmai which equated to a mina. The view long current in research that every mina weighed 100 drachmai, has been refuted. On Aegina, the mina (coin and weight) amounted to 70 drachmai (70×6.237 g = 436.6 g); the Corinthian mina was probably commensurate to it, equating to 150 drachmai (150×2.91…


(121 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] City in Africa Proconsularis, north-west of Thubursicum Bure on the fertile plateau of the ‘great fields’, modern Henchir el-Matria. Under M. Aurelius (AD 161-180) or slightly later N. was a municipium (CIL VIII Suppl. 4, 26129). A bishop Aurelius plebis Numnulitanae ( sic!) was attested for 411 (Acta concilii Carthaginiensis anno 411 habiti 1,126). Some impressive ruins have been preserved, including a capitolium from the period of M. Aurelius, baths, wells, churches and parts of a late Roman wall. Further inscriptions: CIL VIII Suppl. 1, 1…


(156 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] Significant Numidian road junction, c. 50 km north-west of Lambaesis, modern Henchir Merouana ( Lamasba, It. Ant. 35,2; 5; 6; Lamasbua, Tab. Peut. 2,5; Lamasba oppidum, Iulius Honorius, Cosmographia A 48). L. was probably a municipium from the time of Caracalla (AD 211-217) (CIL VIII Suppl. 3, 22511; cf. 22467). It was an episcopal see from as early as 256 (Cypr. sententiae episcoporum 75). Epigraphical evidence: CIL VIII Suppl. 3, 22427-22466. The text of an inscription of the Elagabalan period (AD 218-222) regulates the distribution of the waters of the aqua Claudian…


(110 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] Town on the Lesser Syrte, 30 km north-east of Medenine, modern Bou Grara. Evidence: Ptol. 4,3,11; It. Ant. 60,1; 518,5; Tab. Peut. 6,5. G. was presumably a Phoenician or Punic settlement and in later times perhaps the outlying area of the Cinithi, the allies of  Tacfarinas. Under Hadrian or Antoninus Pius the town was accorded ius Latii maius, and under Antoninus Pius (AD 138-161) it became a municipium (CIL VIII Suppl. 4, 22707). Further inscriptions: CIL VIII 1, 25-34; Suppl. 1, 11017-11047; Suppl. 4, 22691-22757. Huß, Werner (Bamberg) Bibliography S. Lancel, E. Lip…


(113 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] Town in Numidia between Lambaesis and Diana Veteranorum, modern Sériana. L. was probably in the territory of Diana Veteranorum, but around AD 200 it had its own magistri and received an ordo decurionum. Legionaries and veterans of the legio III Augusta lived in the town. In 411, L. was predominantly on the side of the Donatists ( Donatus [1]; Concilia Carthaginiensia anno 411, 1,133,1-13; 187,98-100; 198,55f.). Some ruins - churches, baths and wine-presses - are preserved. L. was consolidated into a fortress in the Byza…


(143 words)

Author(s): Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
[German version] (Μῆνιγξ; Mêninx). Island (modern Djerba) and city (modern al-Kantara) in the province of Africa Tripolitana ( Africa [3]). Eratosthenes (fr. p. 308 Berger, in Plin. HN 5,41) describes the island as ‘lotus-eating’ (λωτοφαγῖτις; lōtophagîtis). Sources: Ps.-Scyl. 110 (GGM 1,85-89); Pol. 1,39,2; 34,3,12; Str. 3,4,3; Mela 2,105; Ptol. 4,3,35; 8,14,13; Stadiasmus Maris Magni 103; 104; 112; 124 (GGM 1,465f.; 468; 471). In 253 BC the Roman fleet ran into diffilculties off M. ((Pol. 1,39,2). In 217 BC the island was laid …
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