
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Walser, Gerold (Basle)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Walser, Gerold (Basle)" )' returned 22 results. Modify search

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(113 words)

Author(s): Walser, Gerold (Basle)
[German version] The earliest traces of settlement on the Lindenhof moraine hill in Zurich are ascribed not to a Celtic population but rather to Roman occupation in Augustus [1 G]' Alpine war (in 15 BC). The Roman military post was expanded into a fort, around which a vicus developed. Information about the further growth of the settlement is given by inscriptions, the most important of which also reveals the name of the vicus: a burial inscription for the child of a Roman toll collector, praepositus stationis Turicensis (CIL XIII 5244). Walser, Gerold (Basle) Bibliography W. Drack, R. …


(124 words)

Author(s): Walser, Gerold (Basle)
[German version] In 58 BC the Helvetii persuaded three smaller Celtic neighbouring tribes to participate in their tribal emigration: Rauraci, Tulingi and L. (Caes. B Gall. 1,5,4); only with regard to the first do we know (cf. the future Colonia Augusta [4] Raurica) the original dwelling site east of the bend of the Rhine at Basle. After the battle of Bibracte the L., like the others, were sent back by Caesar to their old homeland that is not described in greater detail. [1] considers the Helvetia…
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