
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Lafond, Yves (Bochum)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Lafond, Yves (Bochum)" )' returned 503 results. Modify search

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(149 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Caesar | Caesar | Kelten | Oppidum Stadt der Gallia Celtica im Gebiet der Arverni, später in Aquitania, westl. des Elaver, 6 km südl. von Augustonemetum auf schwer zugänglichem Hochplateau, h. Gergovie. Von Caesar 52 v.Chr. vergeblich belagert (Vercingetorix: Caes. Gall. 7,34; Liv. per. 107; Strab. 4,2,3; Suet. Iul. 25; Polyainos 8,23,9; Cass. Dio 40,35; Sidon. carm. 7,152). Grabungen im großen und kleinen Lager und in dem sie verbindenden Doppe…


(37 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Stadt der Haedui (Caes. Gall. 7,33) in der Gallia Lugdunensis, Straßenknotenpunkt (Itin. Anton. 367: Decetia; 460: Deccidae; Tab. Peut.: Degetia; Geogr. Rav. 4,26: Dizezeia); h. Decize (Nièvre). CIL 13, 2814-2816. Lafond, Yves (Bochum)


(58 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Gallische Völkerschaft, die nur Caes. Gall. 7,68,1 und Strab. 4,2,3 erwähnen. Hauptort Alesia ( oppidum Mandubiorum). Ihr Gebiet deckt sich wohl mit der h. Landschaft Auxois ( pagus Alisiensis im MA). In röm. Zeit scheinen die M. im Volk der Haedui aufgegangen zu sein. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography P.-M. Duval, Chronique gallo-romaine, in: REA 61, 1959, 368-370.


(138 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Caesar | Caesar | Gallia | Kelten | Oppidum | Theater Oppidum der Mandubii in Gallia Celtica, h. Alise-Sainte-Reine (Côte-d'Or). A. nahm auf dem Mont Auxois (Mons Alisiensis) ein Plateau von ca. 80 ha ein mit bemerkenswertem natürlichen Schutz. 52 v. Chr. wurde Vercingetorix hier von Caesar belagert und mußte trotz des Eingreifens eines Entsatzheeres kapitulieren (Caes. Gall. 7,68-90). A. bestand als gallo-röm. Zentrum während der…


(252 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)


(118 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Achaioi, Achaia | Sparta (Γερόνθραι). Spartan. Perioikenstadt an der Westseite des Parnon über dem Eurotastal, später im Bund der Eleutherolakones, beim h. Geraki, noch in der Kaiserzeit bewohnt und daher sogar bei Hierokles (Synekdemos 647,9) genannt. Paus. 3,22,6f. nennt einen Arestempel mit Hain, eine Agora mit Brunnenhaus und einen Apollontempel auf der Akropolis. Weitere Belege: Steph. Byz. s.v. Γεράνθραι; IG V 1, 1110-1141. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography C. Le Roy, Inscriptions de Laconie inédite…


(45 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] (Κυνόρτιον). Der Berg über dem Theater des Asklepios-Heiligtums von Epidauros mit Heiligtum des Apollon Maleatas (Paus. 2,27,7). Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography V. Lambrinudakis, Excavation and Restoration of the Sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas and Asklepios at Epidauros, in: Peloponnesiaka Suppl. 13, 1987f., 298ff.


(122 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Keltisches Volk nordöstl. der Allobroges im Tal des oberen Rhodanus (Rhône) vom Lacus Lemanus (Genfer See) bis zum Rhône-Gletscher, wo auch die Veragri, Seduni und Uberi siedelten, mit denen zusammen sie zu Anf. der röm. Herrschaft als Teil der Prov. Alpes Graiae et Poeninae einen Staatenbund bildeten ( quattuor civitates Poeninae: CIL XII 147). Ihr Hauptort war Tarnaiae (h. Massongex). Sie haben der h. Stadt Nantua (Dépt. Ain) den Namen gegeben. Weitere Belege: Caes. Gall. 3,1,6; 4,10,3; Strab. 4,6,6: Ναντουᾶται; Plin. nat. 3,137, vgl. CIL V 7817,135 (Inschr. am tro…


(84 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Volksstamm in Gallia Lugdunensis (an der unteren Loire) mit dem Hauptort Iuliomagus (h. Angers sur la Maine; Caes. Gall. 2,35,3; 3,7,2; 7,4,6: Andes; Plin. nat. 4,107 und Oros. 6,8,7: Andicavi). Bei dem Aufstand der Gallier unter Iulius Sacrovir 21 n. Chr. begannen sie zusammen mit den Turoni den Kampf, wurden aber rasch überwältigt (Tac. ann. 3,41). Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography M. Blanchard-Lemée et al., Recueil général des mosaïques de Gaule 2,4, 1991  M. Provost, Le Val de Loire dans l'Antiquité, 1993.


(108 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] (Μαργανεῖς). Kleine Gemeinde westl. von Olympia in der Ebene nördl. des Alpheios zw. den h. Dörfern Phloka und Strephi, als períoikoi von Elis abhängig. Genaue Lage unbekannt. Im Krieg der Spartaner gegen Elis 401 v.Chr. auf spartan. Seite (Xen. hell. 3,2,25; Diod. 15,77,4, Μάργανα), im Frieden von 400 autonom (Xen. hell. 3,2,30), 294 in der Schlacht am Nemea-Bach wieder auf Seiten der Spartaner (Xen. hell. 4,2,16), aber von Elis beansprucht (Xen. hell. 6,5,2). Zuletzt 364 v.Chr. …


(216 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Christentum | Coloniae | Gallia | Handel | Kolonisation | Pilgerschaft | Theater | Straßen Stadt in der Gallia Narbonensis, h. Arles. Von den Griechen urspr. Theline genannt (Avien. 689 ff. - Phokische Gründung?), führte die Stadt einen kelto-ligurischen Namen (Itin. Anton. 299,4; Plin. nat. 3,36). Seit dem 6. Jh. v. Chr. besiedelt, erlebte A. - durch die Verschlammung des Rhône-Deltas im Schiffsverkehr stark eingeschränkt - dank der Kanäle, die Marius 104 v. Chr. von A. bis zur Bucht von Fos ziehen ließ ( fossae Mariana…


(68 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] (Καλάμαι). Ortschaft in SO-Messenia (κώμη, Paus. 4,31,3; χωρίον, Pol. 5,92,4 zum J. 217 v.Chr.). Kleiner Hügel mit Mauerresten 1 km südl. vom h. Jannitsa. K. erstreckte sich verm. auf einen weiteren nahegelegenen Hügel, wo h. eine Kapelle Hagios Vasilios steht. Das h. Kalamata (amtlich K.) entspricht dem ant. Pharai. Inschr.: IG V 1, 1369f. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography E. Meyer, s.v. Messenien, RE Suppl. 15, 180f.


(127 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Bataveraufstand | Gallia | Straßen Auf einem nach allen Seiten durch Steilhänge gesäumten Plateau gelegen, war A., h. Langres (Haute-Marne; Siedlungsspuren aus dem Neolithikum und der Bronzezeit), als Hauptort der Lingones (Ptol. 2,9,9) und als Knotenpunkt der Straßen vom Atlantik nach Oberit. und vom Mittelmeer zum Rhenus bald zu einer blühenden Stadt geworden. 298 n. Chr. von den Alamanni bedrängt, wurde A. - in der Spätant. unter dem Namen civitas Lingonum - 407 n. Chr. von den Vandali…


(99 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Ägäische Koine Stadt im Süden von Arkadia auf halbem Weg von Megalpolis nach Tegea in der kleinen Hochebene von Frangovrysi bei den Quellen von Alpheios und Eurotas (Strab. 8,3,12). Siedlung auf der Akropolis neolithisch bis MH und hell. (Stadtmauer), in die Neugründung Megalopolis 368/67 v.Chr. einbezogen; z.Z. des Pausanias (8,44,3) stand A. in Ruinen. Die Siedlung der klass. Zeit ist nicht lokalisiert. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography E.J. Holmberg, The Swedish excavations at A. in Arcadia, 1944  M. Jost, San…


(238 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Sparta (Κορώνη). Stadt an der Westküste des Messenischen Golfs, h. Petalidi, ca. 30 km südwestl. von Kalamata, am Fuß des Berges Mathia (h. Lykodimo) mit zahlreichen ant. Resten, darunter Teile der Stadtmauer. Nachdem Messenia durch die Boioter unter Epameinondas von der spartanischen Herrschaft befreit worden war, erfolgte angeblich eine boiot. Neugründung (ob es ein älteres K. gab, ist nicht zweifelsfrei zu entscheiden [1]); nach 184 v.C…


(37 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] (Κνακιών). Nur in der “Großen Rhetra” (Plut. Lykurgos 6,4, Pelopidas 17,6; Sparta) gen. ON bei Sparta, später mit dem Fluß Oinus, h. Kelephina, gleichgesetzt (Plut. l.c.; Lykophr. 550); nicht identifizierbar. Lafond, Yves (Bochum)


(273 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] (Λέπρεον). Die bedeutendste, südlichste Stadt von Triphylia. Erh. Reste der Akropolis im Norden des h. Lepreon (früher Strovitsi) mit Teilen der Ringmauer und anderen Bauresten: kleiner dor. Tempel (Demeter? [1]) des 4. Jh.v.Chr. und Altar; im Gebiet von L. an der Straße zw. Perivolia und Bassai dor. Tempel des 4./3. Jh.v.Chr. [2]; im SW, beim h. Prasidaki, dor. Tempel hell. Zeit. Minysche Gründung nach Vertreibung der Kaukones (Hdt. 4,148; Strab. 8,3,19), daher bei Kall. h. 1,39…

Apta Iulia

(90 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Christentum Stadt der Vulgientes; colonia (CIL XII 1005; 1116; 1118; Itin. Anton. 343,3 vgl. 388,4; Sidon. epist. 9,9,1); civitas Aptensium (Pol. Silv. 16,3); besaß das ius Latii (Plin. nat. 3,36), lag an der Straße von Mediolanum nach Arelate. H. Apt (Vaucluse) am Coulon, der von rechts in die Durance (nahe der Mündung in den Rhodanus) einfließt. Im 6. Jh. n. Chr. verließen die meisten Bewohner die Stadt, um Zuflucht auf den benachbarten Höhen zu suchen. Lafond, Yves (Bochum)


(103 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Kelt. Volk an der Grenze der Gallia Lugdunensis zur Gallia Belgica zw. Senones und Sequani (Strab. 4,1,11; 3,4; 6,11: Λίγγονες; Ptol. 2,9,9: Λόγγονες). Die L. waren an den Kämpfen der Gallier gegen Caesar nicht beteiligt (Caes. Gall. 1,26,5; 40,11; 7,9,4; 63,7; Plut. Caesar 26,6; Cass. Dio 40,38; 66,3). Foederati schon damals (Plin. nat. 4,31), erlangten sie das röm. Bürgerrecht E. des 1. Jh.n.Chr. (Tac. hist. 1,78,1). Nach 250 n.Chr. gehörten sie zur provincia Lugdunensis. Hauptort war Andematu(n)num (h. Langres). Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography E. Frézoul…


(94 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Caesar | Straßen Hauptstadt der Carnutes an der Loire, eher Orléans als Gien (Caes. Gall. 7; 8), von Genabum/C.; kelt. Wz. gen, “Mund”, “Mündung”. Von C. ging 52 v.Chr. der Aufstand unter Vercingetorix aus; in der Folge ließ Caesar C. verheeren. Von den Krisen des 3.Jh. n.Chr. schwer mitgenommen, verlor C. seinen Namen. Ab da Hauptort der civitas Aurelianorum. 451 n.Chr. von Attila belagert. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography J. Debal, Les Gaulois en Orléanais, 21974  M. Provost, Le Val de Loire dans l'Antiquité, 1993.


(34 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] (Μελαγγεία). Ort im Gebiet von Mantineia in Arkadia am Ausgang des Klimaxpasses; von hier wurde das Trinkwasser nach Mantineia geleitet. Beim h. Pikerni zu suchen (Paus. 8,6,4). Lafond, Yves (Bochum)


(73 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
[English version] (Ἄνθεια). Eine der 7 zum Reich von Pylos gehörenden Städte am Messenischen Golf, die bei Hom. Il. 9,151; 293 Agamemnon dem Achilleus anbot. Die Identifikation mit Thuria (Strab. 8,4,5; Paus. 4,31,1) wird von vielen Funden aus myk. Zeit dort belegt. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography R. Hope Simpson, Identifying a Mycenean State, in: ABSA 52, 1957, 231-259  Ders., The Seven Cities Offered by Agamemnon to Achilles, in: ABSA 61, 1966, 121-124.


(169 words)

Author(s): Graf, Fritz (Columbus, OH) | Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
(Καρμάνωρ; Karmánōr). [German version] [1] Cretan seer A Cretan seer and priest of purification, as such closely connected with  Apollo, the god of ritual purification, and with Delphi, his centre of cult worship. He purifies Apollo and Artemis after the killing of the snake  Python (in Tarrha, Phaestus or Dion on Crete, Paus. 2,30,3; Euseb. Praep. evang. 5,31); in his house Apollo loves the nymph Acacallis who becomes mother of the founding heroes of the Cretan city Elyrus (on the myth of abandonment …


(195 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Achaeans, Achaea (Ῥύπες/ Rhýpes). Town in Achaea (Achaeans, Achaea [1], with map), probably to be identified with the few ancient remains (including traces of Mycenaean settlement [2. 123-127; 3. 35]) on the plateau of Trapeza at Koumaris, c. 6 km southwest of Aegium. The find sites on the fortified hill on the left bank of the Phoenix, c. 8 km northwest of Aegium [1. 193, 417-418] and on the right bank of the Tholopotamus, 5.2 km north west of Aegium, have also been suggested. With eleven other ci…


(229 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] Tribe in south-western Gaul on the middle Garumna (Caes. B Gall. 7,7,2; 46,5; Str. 4,2,2; Ptol. 2,7,14: Νιτιόβριγες/ Nitióbriges; Tab. Peut. 2,4f.; Sid. Apoll. Epist. 2,11,1: Nisiobroges) where they settled during the 4th cent. BC. Their neighbours to the north were the Bituriges Vivisci and the Cadurci, to the east were the Cadurci and Ruteni, to the south the Volcae Tectosages and the Ausci (to the river Tarnis, CIL XIII p. 117; Plin. HN 4,109) and to the west there were the Vasates. The capital of the N. was Aginnum (modern Agen). Originally amici populi Romani (‘friends…


(247 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Funke, Peter (Münster)
[German version] [1] City in southern Messenia This item can be found on the following maps: Achaeans, Achaea (Φαραί/ Pharaí, Φηραί/ Phēraí). City in southern Messenia (Str. 8,4,4f.; 5,8; 7,5; Paus. 4,30,2-31,1; Ptol. 3,16,8 (Φεραί/ Pheraí); Steph. Byz. s.v. Φ.; [1. 181]), modern Kalamata. In Homer (Hom. Il. 5,543; 9,151; 293) one of the seven cities Agamemnon promised Achilles [2], Spartan perioikoi city. In 394 BC its territory was devastated by Conon [1] (Xen. Hell. 4,8,7; Nep. Conon 1), made a part of the territory of Messana [2] by Philip [4] II at …


(283 words)

Author(s): Bloch, René (Berne) | Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
(Ἴναχος; Ínachos; etymology unresolved). [German version] [1] Progenitor of the Argive royal house Son of  Oceanus and of  Tethys, who gave the main river of  Argus [II] and of  Argolis their names (schol. Eur. Or. 932). First king of Argus (Acusilaus, FGrH 2 F 23c) and progenitor of the Argive kings and heroes (‘Inachids’: Eur. IA 1088). In the argument between Poseidon and Hera about Argus, I. decides in favour of the goddess and introduces her cult, which causes Poseidon to dry up his river (Paus. 2,15,4-…


(415 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
(Ἀμύκλαι; Amýklai). [German version] [1] Pre-Greek settlement This item can be found on the following maps: Sparta | Dark Ages | Aegean Koine Pre-Greek settlement on and at the foot of the hills bearing the chapel of Agia Kyriaki, inhabited from the early Helladic to the imperial Roman period (Paus. 3,18,6-19,6; IG V 1, 515), c. 5 km south of  Sparta near the modern Tsausi. In historical times, it was a ὠβή ( ōbḗ) of Sparta with its own ephors and other officials (cf. Syll.3 932). The region seems to have reached its peak in the 7th/6th cent. BC. From the late Mycenaean period, it housed a sa…


(635 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Caesar | Caesar | Christianity | Wine | | Coloniae | Gallia/Gaul | Commerce | Limes | Pilgrimage | Punic Wars | Rome | Rome City in Gallia Narbonensis on the right bank of the lower Atax in the territory of the Volcae Arecomici (Strab. 4,1,12), modern Narbonne. In the pre-Roman period there was a settlement here on the mythical road of Heracles from Spain to the Rhône. From the 6th cent. BC, 4 km from N., there was an oppidum on the Montlaurès Hill, which was known by the name of Naro (Avien. 587; [1]). The lagoon between…


(1,042 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Huß, Werner (Bamberg)
This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Achaeans, Achaea | Macedonia, Macedones | Persian Wars | Arcadians, Arcadia | Athenian League (Second) | Education / Culture (Τεγέα/ Tegéa). [1] Town in the eastern Arcadian plateau [German version] I. Location Important town in the south of the eastern Arcadian plateau (Arcadians, Arcadia, with map; Str. 8,8,2; Paus. 8,44,1-53,11; Ptol. 3,16,19; Plin. HN. 4,20.; [1]), whose vast area lay between the present-day villages of Hagios Sostis, Episkopi and Alea. The rich, fertile, loamy …


(216 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Radke, Gerhard (Berlin)
[German version] Powerful Celtic people (Pol. 2,17,4; Str. 5,1,6; according to Liv. 5,34,9 the district of the Haedui), of a simple lifestyle (Pol. loc. cit.), in Upper Italy to the east of the Salassi (Ptol. 3,1,34) and Libici (Ptol. 3,1,36) and west of the  Cenomanni [3] (Ptol. 3,1,33; Pol. 2,17,4; Str. 5,1,9) and the river Clusius (Κλούσιος, Pol. 2,32,4) with their main settlement at Mediolan(i)um (Liv. 5,34,9; Plin. HN 3,124; Str. 5,1,6). Other towns of the Insubres (Ptol. 3,1,33): Comum, Tici…


(2,211 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Wirbelauer, Eckhard (Freiburg)
This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Caesar | Christianity | Coloniae | Doric Migration | Dark Ages | Grain Trade, Grain Import | Commerce | Achaeans, Achaea | Colonization | Macedonia, Macedones | Natural catastrophes | Peloponnesian War | Persian Wars | Rome | Aegean Koine | Education / Culture (Κόρινθος; Kórinthos, Corinthus, the modern Corinth). [German version] I. Position The city lies on the second and third terraces above the coastal plain (40-95 m above sea level), c. 2 km from the coast; its original location was presumably on a delta originating from the time c. …


(218 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Πετροκόριοι; Petrokórioi). Tribe of Gallia Celtica (later Aquitania), on both banks of the Duranus (Dordogne) in what is now the Périgord (Str. 4,2,2 mentions the Petrokórioi among the 14 tribes of Aquitania between Garumna and Liger; Ptol. 2,7,9: Πετροκόριοι καὶ πόλις Οὐέσσουνα/ Petrokórioi kaì pólis Ouéssouna). Their neighbours to the north west were the Santoni, to the west the Bituriges Vivisci, to the south the Nitiobriges, to the south east the Cadurci and to the north east the Lemovices (Plin. HN 4,109; Not. Galliaru…


(428 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Achaeans, Achaea | Education / Culture (Πελλήνη/ Pellḗnē, Πελλάνα/ Pellána, ethnic name Πελληνεύς/ Pellēneús, Πελλανεύς/ Pellaneús). Town in the easternmost part of Achaea (Achaeans, with map), to the west of Sicyon (Paus. 7,26,12-27,12). From the Mycenaean Period (place name pre-Greek., Hom. Il. 2,574) onwards and into the 7th/6th cents. BC, P. was possibly located on the site of the kṓmē of the same name mentioned in Str. 8,7,5 . The town found itself in lengthy quarrels with Sicyon (POxy. 11,1365; 1…


(641 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Wirbelauer, Eckhard (Freiburg)
(Argives; Ἀργολίς, Ἀργεῖοι; Argolís, Argeîoi). By modern common practice collective name for the north-eastern region of the  Peloponnese, consisting of the Argive plains and its fringes and the mountainous Argolic Acte. In ancient times, too, the term A. was used in the modern sense, parallel with the more common form of the ethnic Ἀργεῖα ( Argeîa), which was mostly exclusively restricted to the territory of  Argos (Plut. Ages. 31). In its landscape and climate, the entire region is part of the arid zone of eastern Greece (πολυδίψιον Ἄργος: Hom. Il…

Lugdunum, Lugudunum

(1,020 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Leglay, Marcel (Lyon)
This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Caesar | Christianity | | Coloniae | Gallia/Gaul | Commerce | Limes | Punic Wars | Rome | Rome | Batavian Revolt (modern Lyons). [German version] A. Name Oldest, purely Celtic form on a silver coin from 42 BC. Lugudunon, Latin Lugudunum; Ptol. 2,8,17: Λούγδουνον/ Loúgdounon. Cass. Dio 46,50,5 mentions Λουγούδουνον/ Lougoúdounon as the oldest form and Λούγδουνον as the usual form in his time. The meaning of the first part of the word is controversial [1. 30, 38]: from Lug, the name of a Celtic deity or from λοῦγος/ loûgos, according to Clei…


(956 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Niehoff, Johannes (Freiburg)
This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Coloniae | Dark Ages | Achaeans, Achaea | Macedonia, Macedones | Oracles | Peloponnesian War | Pilgrimage (Πάτραι/ Pátrai, ethnicon usually Πατρεύς/ Patreús, Latin Patrae, ethnicon Patrensis). [German version] I. Topography Town in western Achaea, with an important harbour, still known as P. today (on the name see [1]), created by synoikismós from seven villages (δῆμοι/ dḗmoi) (Str. 8,3,2; [2. 89-95, 120f.; 3; 4]). Unlike the modern town, P. was not on the coastal plain, but on the first, low rise above it…


(166 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] Celtic-Ligurian tribe in Gallia Narbonensis in the area of the modern French department of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence with capital Alebaece (Plin. HN 3,36, cf. Str. 4,6,4: Ἀλβίοικοι/ Albíoikoi; Caes. B Civ. 1,34,4; 56,2; 2,2,6: Albici; modern Riez) [1] at the foot of the hill of Saint-Maxime between Forum Iulii (modern Fréjus) and Aquae [III 5] Sextiae (modern Aix-en-Provence), constituted beginning in Augustus' time as colonia Iulia Augusta Apollinaris Reiorum, with quattuorviri, aediles, flamen Romae et Augusti and pontifex (cf. inscriptions CIL XII 351;…


(430 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Senff, Reinhard (Bochum)
(Κερύνεια; Kerýneia). [German version] [1] Town in Achaea (Arcadian Καρύνεια; Karýneia). Inland town in Achaea (Peloponnese), not originally listed amongst the 12 cities of the Achaean Confederacy in Hdt. 1,145 and Str. 8,7,4. According to Str. 8,7,5, C.'s location was high up in the mountains between Bura and the sea. For a long time, C. was identified with remains found above the village of Rizomylo and the coastal road near the modern Keryneia. Following on from Wilhelm, Meyer suggested to localize the…


(113 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Sparta (Φᾶρις, Φαραί; Phâris, Pharaí). Town in Laconica (Hom. Il. 2,582; Ephor. FGrH 70 F 117; Str. 8,5,1; the form Φαραί is used in later literature such as Paus. 4,16,8; Hierocles, Synecdemus 647,10; Liv. 35,30,9), c. 10 km south of Sparta, 2 km east of Amyclae [1], probably Vaphio with the well known Mycenaean beehive tomb, abandoned in the time of Pausanias [1. 76f.; 2. 168f.]. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 H. Waterhouse, R.Hope Simpson, Prehistoric Laconia I, in: ABSA 55, 1…


(290 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
(Ἰθώμη; Ithṓmē). [German version] [1] Chalk mountain in Messenia This chalk mountain (modern Vurkano), rising to 802 m and dominating the Messenian plain, together with Eua, its southern secondary summit (modern Hagios Vassilios), forms the natural acropolis for the entire region of Messenia, and its centre in legend and history. The lengthy siege of Mt. I. was the main topic of Myron of Priene's prose novel on the First Messenian War (Paus. 4,9-13). During the major uprising of the helots in 464 BC, the…


(251 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
(Νώνακρις; Nōnakris). [German version] [1] Place in Arcadia Place in Arcadia (Paus. 8,18,7; Steph. Byz. s.v. Ν.; Suda s.v. Ν.; Hesych. s.v. Ν.; IG V 2, p. 83) in the valley of the upper Crathis [1] on the north-eastern slope of Aroania Ore (modern Helmos), famous because of the Styx waterfall, which was located in the N. area; N. is mentioned in classical literature only in this connection. If in the 5th cent. BC it was still an independent town (Hdt. 6,74), in the 4th cent. BC N. Belonged to Pheneus. I…


(66 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Πεῖρος; Peîros). River in western Achaea, the source is on the northern slopes of the Erymanthus [1], flows past Phara and into the Gulf of Corinth 2 km northeast of Dyme [1], today again called P. (formerly Kamenitsa). Cf. Hdt. 1,145; Str. 8,3,11; Paus. 7,18,1f.; 22,1. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart) Bibliography R. Baladié, Le Péloponnèse de Strabon, 1980, 72-74  Müller, 822.


(266 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Achaeans, Achaea (Ὤλενος; Ṓlenos). City in Achaea between Dyme [1] and Patrae (Plin. HN 4,13; Steph. Byz. s.v. Ὠ.), in whose territory the Peirus debouched into the Bay of Corinth (cf. Paus. 7,6,1; 7,18,1f.; 7,22,1); this can be presumed to be in the coastal plains near the modern villages of Kaminia and Tsoukalaika (cf. the distance data in Str. 8,7,4; Paus. loc. cit.). O. was one of the twelve Achaean cities existing in the Mycenaean period and was a member of the old Achaean League (Hdt. 1,145; Pol. 2,41,7; damiourgoi from O. me…


(810 words)

Author(s): Hiesel, Gerhard (Freiburg) | Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Doric Migration | Dark Ages | Linear B | Mycenaean culture and archaeology | Persian Wars | Aegean Koine | Aegean Koine | Education / Culture | Mineral Resources (Μυκῆναι/ M ukênai, Μυκήνη/ Mykḗnē; Lat. Mycena; Mycenae). [German version] I. Mycenaean period Settlement on a steep spur in the northern foothills of the Argolid. The oldest traces of settlement date from the early Bronze Age (2900-2500 BC). M. is the most important centre of Mycenaean culture. Excavations were carried out by H. S…


(196 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Ῥίον; Rhíon). Flat coastal projection in Achaea, about 8 km to the northeast of modern Patras [1. 226-227; 2. 199 f.], modern Rhio, which, with Antirrhion (or also R. or Ῥίον τὸ Μολυκρικόν/ Rhíon tò Molykrikón after Molycrium; modern Antirio) to the north across the approximately 2 km wide sound (also called R., cf. Pol. 4,64,2; Liv. 27,29,9; Mela 2,52), forms the western entrance to the Gulf of Corinth (Corinth, Gulf of) (Thuc. 2,86,3; Ps.-Scyl. 35; 42; Scymn. 478; in Str. 8,2,3, as in Ptol. 3,15,5 incorrectly…


(101 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Funke, Peter (Münster)
(Ὁπλίτης; Hoplítēs). [German version] [1] Town north-east of Sparta Town north-east of Sparta (Pol. 16,16,2), possibly named (‘warrior’) after the archaic cult statue of Apollo in nearby Thornax. Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Bibliography F. W. Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius 2, 1967, 521. [German version] [2] Small river in Boeotia Small river in Boeotia, whose localization near Haliartus or Coronea was already disputed in antiquity; associated with an oracle on the death of Lysander (Plut. Lysander 29,3ff.; Mor. 408A-B). Funke, Peter (Münster) Bibliography F. Bölte, s.…


(38 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Meyer, Ernst (Zürich)
[German version] (Μιγώνιον; Migṓnion). A locality on the Laconian coast south of Gythium, with a sanctuary of Aphrodite Migonitis (Paus. 3,22,1f.). Lafond, Yves (Bochum) Meyer, Ernst (Zürich) Bibliography V. Pirenne-Delforge, L'Aphrodite grecque (Kernos Suppl. 4), 1994, 212f.


(329 words)

Author(s): Daverio Rocchi, Giovanna (Milan) | Lafond, Yves (Bochum)
(Ὀποῦς/ Opoûs). [German version] [1] Chief town of eastern Locris This item can be found on the following maps: Grain Trade, Grain Import | Boeotia, Boeotians Chief town of eastern Locris (Itin. Anton. 327,4), after which the surrounding countryside, a bay (modern Kolpos Atalantis) of the Euboean Sea and the Locri [1] who lived there were named. O. was either near modern Kyparissi (traces of an ancient settlement) or at modern Atalanti (numerous inscriptional finds: Ὀπούντιοι/ Opoúntioi, IG IX 1, 268-275; 278; δῆμος Ὀπουντίων/ dêmos opountíōn, IG IX 1, 282). The port of O. was C…


(339 words)

Author(s): Lafond, Yves (Bochum) | Daverio Rocchi, Giovanna (Milan)
(Κλεωναί; Kleōnaí). [German version] [1] City in the mountainous area south-west of  Corinth This item can be found on the following maps: Natural catastrophes City in the mountainous area south-west of  Corinth at the intersection of the roads from Corinth south towards the Peloponnese. City wall and minimal remains of buildings on a hill 4 km north-west of Hagios Vasilios. In the south outside C. is a small Doric temple, probably of Hercules (Diod. Sic. 4,33.3). C. is already mentioned in Hom. Il. 2,570. Part of the …
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