Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Merkt, Andreas (Mainz)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Merkt, Andreas (Mainz)" )' returned 6 results. Modify search
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(1,904 words)
[German version] I. Definition A procession (Greek πομπή/
pompḗ, Latin
pompa) can be defined as the action of a group of people who are 'proceeding' (Latin
procedere) in a formalized and orderly sequence. A distinction can be made between two types of formal processions: those that take place irregularly and those that are held at regular intervals. Price, Simon R. F. (Oxford) II. Greco-Roman antiquity [German version] A. Irregularly occuring processions During Classical antiquity, processions that took place irregularly were ritualized events involving a variety o…
Brill’s New Pauly
(2,830 words)
[German version] I. Classical antiquity Pilgrimage, defined here as a journey of considerable length to a sacred place, undertaken for religious reasons, was a common practice in all of antiquity, not solely a Christian phenomenon. Rutherford, Ian C. (Reading) [German version] A. Greek world The best-documented form is the state pilgrimage (
theōría ), in which the Greek city-states sent out envoys (
theōroí) to attend religious festivals, announce their own festivals or consult oracles. However, festivals drew not only official
theōríai but also private pilgrims; in general…
Brill’s New Pauly
World, creation of the
(4,741 words)
[German version] I. Definition The term 'creation of the world' ('CW') (κτίσις/
ktísis, Lat.
creatio) in the narrower sense should be distinguished from two similar concepts. Unlike 'cosmogony', 'CW' refers to a personal act. Secondly, unlike 'fashioning of the world' in the sense of the craft of a
demiourgos [3] (cf. [1]), 'CW' does not mean the mere modelling of existing material in analogy to the creative intervention of an artist, but the absolute bringing-into-being of everything (the universe, i.e. 'the whole', τὰ πάντα/
tà pánta) out of the void. The concept of a creation…
Brill’s New Pauly
Theology and the Christian Church
(24,325 words)
Merkt, Andreas (Mainz) I. History of Theology (CT) [German version] A. Basic Concept (CT) The history of theology (HT) is that area of theological studies which examines the history of the development of theological ideas. The need for this study in the theory of Christianity arises principally from theological and anthropological considerations. First, according to Christian belief, God himself took on an historical form in Jesus of Nazareth; scholarly reflection on this religion demands, therefore, an hist…
Brill’s New Pauly
(1,686 words)
[English version] I. Definition Eine P. (griech. πομπή/
pompḗ, lat.
pompa) läßt sich definieren als Handlung einer Gruppe von in formalisierter und geordneter Abfolge “(voran)schreitender” (lat.
procedere) Personen. Zwei Typen formalisierter P. können unterschieden werden: solche, die in unregelmäßigen Abständen, und solche, die zeitlich periodisiert stattfinden. Price, Simon R. F. (Oxford) II. Griechisch-römische Antike [English version] A. Unregelmäßig stattfindende Prozessionen Unregelmäßig stattfindende P. markierten in der klass. Ant. ritualisierte …
Der Neue Pauly
(2,608 words)
[English version] I. Klassische Antike P., hier definiert als eine aus rel. Gründen zu einem heiligen Ort unternommene Reise von beträchtlicher Länge, war eine in der gesamten Ant. verbreitete Praxis, nicht nur ein christl. Phänomen. Rutherford, Ian C. (Reading) [English version] A. Griechische Welt Die am besten belegte Form ist die staatliche P. (
theōría ), in deren Rahmen die griech. Stadtstaaten Gesandte (
theōroí) ausschickten, um rel. Feste zu besuchen, ihre eigenen Feste anzukündigen oder Orakel zu konsultieren. Feste zogen aber nicht nur offizielle
theōríai, sondern auc…
Der Neue Pauly