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Church and State
(8,630 words)
[German Version] I. Church History – II. Law – III. Practical Theology – IV. Systematic Theology I. Church History
1. Early Church The Roman state (Roman Empire) tolerated philosophical atheism and a multitude of cults that flooded in from its conquered territories, but it refused to tolerate rejection of the cult of the official gods (
di publici populi Romani), on which the security of the state was believed to depend. Since Christians refused to participate in this cult, they inevitably came into conflict with the Roman state. Bot…
Religion Past and Present
Maurer, Wilhelm
(237 words)
[German Version] (May 6, 1900, Kassel – Jan 30, 1982, Erlangen), church historian. A student of H. Hermelink, he received the Lic. theol. in Marburg in 1926 and gained his habilitation in church history in 1928. Although his career was blocked by the National Socialist state because of his closeness to the Confessing Church, the Lutheran Maurer continued the pastoral work he had taken up in 1926 in the district of Marburg; in 1949, he also became provost. In 1946, he was finally appointed supernum…
Religion Past and Present
Schmidt, Kurt Dietrich
(251 words)
[German Version] (Oct 25, 1896, Uthlede – Jul 27, 1964, Hamburg), church historian. Schmidt, a product of North German Lutheranism, received his Lic.theol. in 1923 in Göttingen under C. Mirbt; he received his habilitation in church history there in 1924. He was appointed to a full professorship at Kiel in 1929. Faithful to confessional Lutheranism and active in the Confessing Church, Schmidt was dismissed from university teaching by the National Socialist state in 1935. After serving as a lecturer…
Religion Past and Present