
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schwöbel, Christoph" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schwöbel, Christoph" )' returned 30 results. Modify search

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(1,501 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
1. Die Bedeutung der Bibel in der NeuzeitDie Neuaufbrüche in allen Sphären der Kultur, die als Charakteristikum der europ. Nz. betrachtet werden, sind ohne Bezug auf die B. nicht zu verstehen. Die Neuorganisation der Gesellschaftsordnungen und Herrschaftsformen (Herrschaft), des Bildungswesens (Bildung) und der Wissenschaft (Wissen und Wissensideale), die neuen Impulse in Kunst und Literatur (Literarische Institutionen) sowie die neuen Interpretationen menschlichen Selbstverständnisses vollzogen sich weitgehend in Auseinandersetzung …
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,743 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
1. The significance of the Bible in the early modern period The new turns in all spheres of culture that are regarded as characteristic of modern Europe cannot be understood without reference to the Bible. The new organization of social orders and forms of rule (Authority), education (Bildung) and science (Knowledge), the new impulses in art and literature (Literary institutions) as well as the new interpret…
Date: 2019-10-14


(1,792 words)

Author(s): Jüngel, Eberhard | Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] I. Fundamental Theology – II. Ethics I. Fundamental Theology 1. Authenticity, or genuineness, or truthfulness (Ger. Wahrhaftigkeit), is regarded as being an existential attitude that a person has toward others, toward himself or herself and toward God. Essentially close to understanding truth as a consistency (of intellectus and res), authenticity is considered to be the consistency between a person's statements in life and that which is true, or which he regards as true – irrespective of the possibility that what he regards as true may be in error. The opposite of authenticity, which rules out any intent to deceive, is not an error, but a lie. Authenticity is a concept of relation, and that in three respects.…


(23,143 words)

Author(s): Schnelle, Udo | Fischer, Georg | Becker, Hans-Jürgen | Fischer Georg | Müller, Hans-Peter | Et al.
[German Version] I. Concept – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Dogmatics – V. Practical Theology – VI. Missiology – VII. Judaism – VIII. Cultural History I.  Concept “Bible” is the predominant designation in church, theology, and society for the collection of OT and NT scriptures recognized by the church. The word “Bible” and its close equivalents in other European languages derive from the middle Latin “biblia.” This Latin feminine derives from the Greek neuter plural τὰ βιβλία/ tá biblía. Grammatically, the sg. βιβλίον/ biblíon is a diminu¶ tive form of ἡ βίβλος/ hē b…

Law and Gospel

(2,755 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] The distinction between law and gospel has its theological setting in Luther's discovery at the dawn of the Reformation; from that beginning, it informed the debates within Lutheranism during the Reformation, the attempt to resolve them in the Lutheran articles of faith (I), and the deliberations of Reformed theology. Only in the context of the theological confessionalization in the 19th century and even more in the theological, ecclesiastical, and political debates of the 20th ce…


(757 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] Insight into the createdness of the world and human beings is rooted in the Christian belief in the triune God as Creator of the world (Creation). The confession of God as Creator must thus be formulated as a statement about one's own creatureliness: “I would believe that God has created me together with all creatures” (Luther, Short Catechism

Rade, Martin

(554 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] (Apr 4, 1857, Rennersdorf, Oberlausitz – Apr 8, 1940, Frankfurt am Main), theologian, publicist, and politician, representing liberal-social Protestantism. After attending school in Zittau, Rade studied in Leipzig, where he found a teacher and lifelong friend inA. v. Harnack, then a Privatdozent. In 1881 he gained his doctorate with a dissertation on Pope Damasus, in 1882 he became minister in Schönbach, and in 1889 he married Dora Naumann, sister of F. Naumann. Rade was the author of a popular biography of Luther that a…


(8,280 words)

Author(s): Ahn, Gregor | Waschke, Ernst-Joachim | Stemberger, Günter | Sellin, Gerhard | Schwöbel, Christoph | Et al.
[German Version] I. Resurrection of the Dead 1. History of religions a. Resurrection as a religious category. The concept of resurrection has been shaped extensively by connotations drawn from the tradition of Christian theology. In this sense, it is understood as a unique event that takes the body and soul of a human being, separated at death, and reunites them for a new, eternal life in the next world. Here it serves to mark a distinction from other notions of a postmortal existence (e.g. reincarnation, metempsyc…


(13,059 words)

Author(s): Figl, Johann | Schwöbel, Christoph | Kaiser, Otto | Bockmuehl, Markus | Werbick, Jürgen | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies 1. Concept. The word revelation echoes the Greek ἀποκάλυψις/ apokálypsis (“uncovering”), which was translated into Latin as revelatio and then borrowed into most European languages. The literal meaning already indicates that revelation involves a reality, content, more specifically a message hidden from mortals. Revelation is important: it is relevant religious knowledge necessary for salvation, for finding meaning, and for dealing with everyday life. It is knowledge that peo-¶ ple do not already possess by nature, and their reli…


(1,749 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] I. Fundamental Theology – II. Dogmatic Theology – III. Ethics I. Fundamental Theology Both in fundamental theology and in philoso…


(3,308 words)

Author(s): Kleinschwärzer-Meister, Birgitta | Ivanov, Vladimir | Schwöbel, Christoph | Baier, Klaus A.
[German Version] I. Dogmatics – II. Ethics – III. Practical Theology I. Dogmatics 1. The Catholic Understanding The term “ecumene,” from the present passive participle of the Greek verb οἰκεῖν/ oikeín, “to dwell,” originally denoted the …


(23,549 words)

Author(s): Zinser, Hartmut | Kaiser, Otto | Lindemann, Andreas | Brümmer, Vincent | Schwöbel, Christoph | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Philosophy of Religion – V. Dogmatics – VI. Practical Theology – VII. Missiology – VIII. Art – IX. Judaism – X. Islam I. Religious Studies 1. It is fundamentally true that God is not an object of religious studies, since God – as theology teaches – cannot be made an object of empirical scientific study. Religious studies can only address the concepts that human beings have expressed concerning their God (or gods: God, Representations and symbols of) in history and society, along with such phenomena as cultic worship, and the implications of these concepts as they shape human lives individually and collectively. When the study of religion deals with God per se, it oversteps the limits o…

Kingdom of God

(8,569 words)

Author(s): Koch, Klaus | Avemarie, Friedrich | Schröter, Jens | Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. Early Judaism – III. New Testament – IV. Historical Theology and Dogmatics – V. Social Ethics I. Old Testament Although English Bibles have generally used kingdom of God to render Heb. מַלְכּוּת/ malkût and Gk βασιλεία/ basileía with a divine subject (genitive), some modern translators prefer instead a purely functional term such as kingship, without spatial or geographical connotat…


(25,967 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] I. Terminology 1. History of the concept. Today the term theology (ϑεολογία/ theología) is usually used in the sense established in Christianity over a long history: it denotes systematic reflection on and explication of the fundamental content of the Christian faith (see II below), as practiced in the context of academic institutions in the various theological disciplines (see IV below) and in relationship to the Christian community of faith in the various churches. This usage is specific to…


(1,291 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] I. Dogmatics – II. Ethics I. Dogmatics In 20th century theological discussion, the concept of koinonia was used in a programmatic way to characterize the fellowship of the church, but also as a term for the ecumenical communion of churches, and to justify this communion with the nature and work of the Triune God. The foundation of this understanding lies in its correlation with the New Testament's and especially the Pauline understanding of κοινωνία, in which an ¶ already existing understanding of koinonia in early Christianity's Hellenistic environment, i.e.…

Brunner, Emil

(624 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] (Dec 23, 1889, Winterthur – Apr 6, 1966, Zürich) encountered early on the influence of the Religious Socialism movement in the person of H. Kutter, who prepared him for confirmation and later served as his pastoral mentor. He studied theology in Zürich and Berlin (under A. v. Harnack et al.) and took his Lic. theol. in theology with his dissertation “Das Symbolische in der religiösen Erkenntnis.” After serving as a teacher in England, curate, and pastor, he received a grant to study in America at Princeton. ¶ Following his habilitation he …


(20,501 words)

Author(s): Feil, Ernst | Antes, Peter | Schwöbel, Christoph | Herms, Eilert | Küster, Volker | Et al.
[German Version] I. The Concept 1. History. As a sign of modern reflection on religion from an anthropo-philosophical perspective, we may take the emergence of philosophical anthropology (Human beings) c. 1600 (Odo Marquard) and the philosophy of religion c. 1770. However these two disciplines are defined – whether as (sub)disciplines of philosophy or simply as philosophy –, they are related to the problems raised by the various positions taken in modern debates over (Christian) religious belief (Faith…

Systematic Theology

(3,850 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[German Version] I. The Concept in Relation to Other Theological Disciplines The task of systematic theology is organized exposition of how the Christian faith interprets reality, with reference to its inherent certainty of its truth (Truth: V; Certainty: III), and the closely associated guidance for action. The word theology makes it clear that the Christian faith’s (IV) interpretation of reality can be expounded appropriately only on the basis of God’s relationship to the world and to human beings, as disclosed by God for the Christian faith; the addition of systematic makes it cl…


(8,837 words)

Author(s): Mohn, Jürgen | Koch, Klaus | Frey, Jörg | Zachhuber, Johannes | Mesch, Walter | Et al.
[English Version] I. Religionswissenschaftlich 1.AllgemeinDie äquivalenten Wörter für Zeit (Z.) bez. in den unterschiedlichen Sprachen je nach etym. Herkunft u…


(1,521 words)

Author(s): Jüngel, Eberhard | Schwöbel, Christoph
[English Version] I. Fundamentaltheologisch 1. W. gilt als eine existentielle Grundhaltung des Menschen gegenüber anderen Personen, gegenüber sich selbst und gegenüber Gott. In sachlicher Nachbarschaft zum Verständnis der Wahrheit als Übereinstimmung (von intellectus und res) gilt W. als Übereinstimmung der Lebensäußerungen eines Menschen mit dem, was wahr ist bzw. er für wahr hält – unbeschadet der Möglichkeit, daß er mit seinem Fürwahrhalten im Irrtum ist. Nicht Irrtum, sondern Lüge ist der Gegen…


(11,807 words)

Author(s): Figl, Johann | Schwöbel, Christoph | Kaiser, Otto | Bockmuehl, Markus | Werbick, Jürgen | Et al.
[English Version] I. Religionswissenschaftlich 1.BegriffDas Wort O. ist die Wiedergabe des griech. α᾿ποκα´λυψις/apoka´lypsis (»Enthüllung«), das ins Lat. mit revelatio übers. und dann als Lehnwort in die meisten eur. Sprachen übernommen wurde. Allein am Wortsinn ist abzulesen, daß es sich dabei um eine Realität, um einen Inhalt, im engeren Sinn um eine Botschaft handelt, die zuvor dem Menschen verborgen war. …

Systematische Theologie

(3,591 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[English Version] I. Begriff und Ort im Zusammenhang der theologischen Disziplinen Aufgabe der Syst. Theol. ist die geordnete Entfaltung des Wirklichkeitsverständnisses des christl. Glaubens im Blick auf die in ihm enthaltene Wahrheitsgewißheit (Wahrheit: V., Gewißheit: III.) und die mit dieser aufs engste verbundene Handlungsorientierung. Während der Begriff »Theol.« deutlich macht, daß das Wirklichkeitsverständnis des christl. Glaubens (: IV.) sich nur angemessen aus dem Verhältnis Gottes zur Welt und z…


(23,783 words)

Author(s): Schwöbel, Christoph
[English Version] I. Begriffsgeschichte 1.Begriffsgeschichte als Geschichte »theologischer« Entscheidungen Der Begriff »Theol.« (ϑεολογι´α) wird heute zumeist in der im Christentum im Verlauf einer …

Theologie der Religionen

(2,934 words)

Author(s): Vroom, Henk M. | Schwöbel, Christoph | May, John D'Arcy
[English Version] I. Religionsphilosophisch Die Theol. der Rel. widmet sich der philos. oder theol. Reflexion der Verhältnisse zw. Religionen und Weltanschauungen. In neuerer Zeit werden die Grundtypen der Theol. der Rel. unterschieden: Exklusivismus, Inklusivismus und Pluralismus (alle Rel. werden verstanden als im Prinzip gleichberechtigte Reaktionen auf die Erfahrung der [einen?] Transzendenz, Absolutheitsanspruch des Christentums, Dialog: II.). Es ist fraglich, ob diese Einteilung sich aus der Sicht aller Rel. so aufrechterhalten läßt. In der Theol. der Rel. …


(18,949 words)

Author(s): Feil, Ernst | Antes , Peter | Schwöbel, Christoph | Herms, Eilert | Albrecht, Christian | Et al.
[English Version] I. Zum Begriff 1.Zur Geschichte des Begriffs Als Indiz später Reflexion der Rel. in anthropologisch-philos. Hinsicht dient die erst neuzeitliche Herausbildung einer

Reich Gottes

(7,261 words)

Author(s): Koch, Klaus | Avemarie, Friedrich | Schröter, Jens | Schwöbel, Christoph
[English Version] I. Altes TestamentMit R.G. hat Luther hebr. מַלְכּוּת/malkût und griech. βασιλει´α/basileía bei göttlichem Subj. (Genitiv) übers. Moderne Übersetzer bevorzugen statt dessen einen rein funktionalen Begriff, »Königsherrschaft« o. ä., ohne räumlich-geographische Konnotation. Diese war dem hebr. Ausdruck durchaus eigen, der zudem nur im Sg. benutzt wird für Königtum (Königtum Gottes im Alten Testament) mit universalem Anspruch und von מַמְלָכָה/mamlākāh, einer von einem gewöhnlichen König regierten Einheit, abgehoben wird (1Chr 29,30; Esr …


(3,008 words)

Author(s): Kleinschwärzer-Meister, Birgitta | Ivanov, Vladimir | Schwöbel, Christoph | A. Baier, Klaus
[English Version] I. Dogmatisch 1.Katholisches Verständnis Der Begriff Ö. als Partizip passiv des griech. Verbs οι᾿κει˜n̆/oikei´n, »wohnen«, meinte urspr. die bewohnte Erde. Die Hl. Schrift verwendet das Wort Ö. ambivalent: das AT (unpolit.) im Sinne von »Welt«, das NT darüber hinaus in der Bedeutung von »Erdkreis« als das »Arbeitsfeld« der Kirche (z.B. Mt 24,14), aber auch als die …
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