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Farewell Discourse
(199 words)
[German Version] The farewell discourse is a literary genre found in biblical and early Jewish literature. Its characteristic feature – as distinct from the
ultima verba ¶ of illustrious men of Hellenistic-Roman literature – is the combination of a fictitious farewell scene and a speech in which a pious man from Israel's past passes on his spiritual legacy to those entrusted to him before he departs (either through death or translation). The speech contains a parenesis and a prediction for the future. The genre can be used as a framework (
T.12 Patr., As.Mos.) or as a subgenre in larger…
Religion Past and Present
Romans, Epistle of Paul to the
(3,974 words)
[German Version] The placing of Romans at the beginning of the
Corpus Paulinum (Bible : III, 2) demonstrates how much significance was ascribed to this Epistle at an early date. If there was, in the 2nd century, the alternative of opening the
Corpus Paulinum with Galatians (cf. Tert.
Marc. V 15), the final decision for Romans implies the hermeneutical option to interpret Paul on the basis of this document, as ecumenical and concerned with Israel, not on the basis of the antagonistic Epistle Galatians. Moreover, Romans is probably the last sur…
Religion Past and Present
Trinity/Doctrine of the Trinity
(11,509 words)
[German Version] ¶
I. Terminology To an unusual degree, the theology of the Trinity is characterized by a strained combination of narrative biblical language and speculative philosophical language. The word
trinitas was first used by Tertullian (
Prax. 2.1–4), as a translation of Greek τριάς/
triás (orig. “threeness”). To denote the divine unity (God: V, 1), the 4th-century debates showed that the term οὐσία/
ousí (“Essence”; see also Divine essence) borrowed from Greek philosophy was theologically legitimate. The term ὑπόστασις/
hypóstasis (Hypostasis) was sometimes used i…
Religion Past and Present