
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Stackhouse, Max L." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Stackhouse, Max L." )' returned 7 results. Modify search

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(3,386 words)

Author(s): Stackhouse, Max L.
1. Term The term “politics” may be defined as the practical engagement in the formation of political structure (polity) by the use of political means (power) in order to accomplish political ends (purposes) by coordinated political actions (policies). Such engagement is necessary if a society is to survive and its members are to flourish. The term also applies to the study of these dynamics. While politics is sometimes thought of only in regard to governments and the bureaucracies established to carry out their policies, the dynamics are similar in all commu…

Public Theology

(3,460 words)

Author(s): Stackhouse, Max L.
1. Term The term “public theology,” of recent vintage, is often compared and contrasted with “civil religion” and “political theology.” But each has a distinct genealogy, and each entails a particular set of assumptions and implications. Moreover, each of these differs from the Scriptures, confessions, and practices of various Christian traditions, even as each draws on them. The use of “public” is important, for it not only refers to public opinion as shaped by public worship, public schools, pub…

Political Theology

(3,118 words)

Author(s): Stackhouse, Max L.
1. Origins The tradition of political theology has its deepest Western philosophical roots in Plato (427–347 b.c.) and Aristotle (384–322), who influenced subsequent Stoic thought (e.g., Varro [116–27] and Cicero [106–43]), where the concept is not clearly distinguished from civil religion. Paralleling such philosophical roots, it has its deepest sociohistorical roots in ancient regimes that were dominated by either hierarchy (ancient India) or theocracy (ancient Israel). The belief that either the priestly representative of the divine order of the universe or…

New Deal

(395 words)

Author(s): Stackhouse, Max L.
[English Version] . Als Franklin D. Roosevelt zur Zeit der Weltwirtschaftskrise bei einer Arbeitslosigkeit von 30% 1932 Präsident der USA wurde, nahm er die Wahl mit den Worten an: »I pledge … a new deal for the American people.« Auch wenn die heutige Forschung davon ausgeht, daß sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt hinter dem Schlagwort N.D. kein klares polit. Programm verbarg, war doch soviel klar, daß man das Land, im Gegensatz zu Europa, weder zur faschistischen Rechten noch zur kommunistischen Linken hin…

New Deal

(375 words)

Author(s): Stackhouse, Max L.
[German Version] When Franklin D. Roosevelt was nominated for president of the United States during the Great Depression, with an unemployment rate of 30% in 1932, he accepted with these words: “I pledge… a new deal for the American people.” While scholars now argue that neither he nor his staff had a clear program in mind, it was clear that this nation, as opposed to Europe, could not and would not move to the fascist right or to the communist left, and something had to be done. The “New Deal” be…

Troeltsch, Ernst

(1,121 words)

Author(s): Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm | Stackhouse, Max L.
Ernst Troeltsch (1865–1923) was a Protestant theologian, philosopher of culture, and politician. His theological/philosophical works, although many-faceted, were characterized by one theme: given the historicist insight that all historical reality is relative, with the resulting loss of no…