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Golden Rule
(739 words)
[German Version] I. Ancient Judaism – II. New Testament – III. Ethics I. Ancient Judaism An ethical maxim widespread in pagan popular philosophy, the Golden Rule is also found, in negative and positive formulation, in ancient Judaism: Tob 4:15 “Whatever you hate, do to no man”; 2 Enoch 61:1 “What anyone wishes for themself, they should do for every other living thing”; and e.g. Arist 207; Sir 31:15; in Rabbinic literature
ARN B 26 (under the name of Aqiva (Akiba) ben Joseph), further usage in
ARN B 29;
b. Ketub. 72a etc. In
b. Šabb. 31 a, Hillel responds to a request from a non-Jew to…
Religion Past and Present