
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Tschuy, Theo" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Tschuy, Theo" )' returned 1 result. Modify search

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(680 words)

Author(s): Tschuy, Theo | Mudge, Lewis S.
1. Inception The Joint Committee on Society, Development, and Peace, known by the acronym SODEPAX, arose in 1968 as a product of the energy and creativity generated by the social encyclicals of Popes John XXIII (1958–63) and Paul VI (1963–78), by the Vatican II Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World ( Gaudium et spes, 1965), and by the World Council of Churches’ Conference on Church and Society (Geneva, 1966). In operation until 1980, this body was for a time the only agency responsible both to the WCC and the Holy See, and hence wel…