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Matthew, Gospel of
(2,245 words)
[German Version] I. Structure. – II. Genre – III. Sources – IV. Origin and Transmission – V. Theological Basics
I. Structure
1. Overview Today most scholars read Matthew as a narrative, not as a new Torah in five books or as a concentric composition organized around a particular midpoint. Following Kingsbury, most exegetes consider 16:21 (= Mark 8:31) the beginning of a new main division, so that the structure of Matthew is modeled on that of Mark. The five great discourses are not the pri-¶ mary elements defining the Gospel's structure but are interpolated into the narrati…
Religion Past and Present
Sermon on the Mount
(3,508 words)
[German Version]
I. New Testament
1. The Matthean text. The first of the five discourses of Jesus in Matthew, Matt 5–7, is called the Sermon on the Mount. It contains the first extended presentation of Jesus’ message in Matthew, the “gospel of the kingdom” (4:23) or “everything that I have commanded you” (28:20) – in short, the content of the disciples’ missionary preaching for all nations. Therefore Jesus’ words are addressed not just to the disciples but also to the crowds (7:28; cf. 5:1aα). The structure is based on concentric
inclusio, with numerous triads. The Paternoster (6:9–1…
Religion Past and Present
Effective History/Reception History
(5,400 words)
[German Version] I. Philosophy – II. Fundamental Theology – III. Applications
I. Philosophy The concept of effective history (
Wirkungsgeschichte) takes on philosophical significance in the hermeneutics of H.G. Gadamer, where it represents the attempt to clarify the fundamental requirement for understanding texts and make this understanding transparent in its own historically conditioned context. …
Religion Past and Present