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(2,310 words)
Part of 2 Pentateuch - 2.4 Primary Translations - 2.4.1 Septuagint NatureAmong the translations of the Greek Pentateuch, Numbers poses some specific problems. The translator did not use a homogeneous technique when rendering his
Vorlage; moreover, at times, one has to judge that he was working carelessly or lacking competence.1 In other instances, he found good solutions for difficult problems. In some cases he introduced his own interpretations or
ad sensum translations, e.g., in Num 24:7. Thus, the use of this version for the textual criticism of the He…
Textual History of the Bible
2020-03-17 Genesis
(2,938 words)
Part of 2 Pentateuch - 2.4 Primary Translations - 2.4.1 Septuagint NatureIt is generally assumed that the Greek book of Genesis is the oldest of the translations of the Septuagint. It is possible that parts of the Bible were translated earlier (
Let. Aris., §§ 314–16) or that there were word lists or vocabularies called “
pinakes,” because the translation of Genesis is relatively consistent. Moreover, several calques such as διαθήκη for בְּרִית “covenant,” and εὐλογέω for בּרךְ (
piʿel) “to bless,” were used, pointing to their preceding use in the community of the …
Textual History of the Bible
3.2 Greek
(3,992 words)
Part of 3 Daniel, Additions to 3.2.1 Nature and SignificanceThe literary history of the book of Daniel is very complicated, with intermingled aspects of redaction, reception and interpretation. The text evolved slowly, beginning with the Aramaic legends from the Persian diaspora (Daniel 2–6). In Daniel 4–6, the OG (I.18.3.1) attests to a
Vorlage that differs in parts considerably from the Aramaic text of the MT (I.18.2.2). Therefore, different versions of the Daniel tradition were transmitted separately. The canonical text has grown in several stages, through…
Textual History of the Bible