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(2,082 words)
1. Term
Synagōgē is a Greek term meaning “gathering, conventicle,” used first by Philo (15–10 b.c.–a.d. 45–50), then by Josephus (ca. 37–ca. 100), and also in the NT for a place of gathering. The Hebrew equivalent is
bēt ha-kĕneset (Aram.
bē kĕništā), meaning “community house” or “house of the assembly” (from the root
kns, “assemble”). In the Egyptian diaspora and in Josephus we also find the term
proseuchē, “place of prayer.” Other terms such as
sabbateion (house in which a Sabbath service was held) are infrequently used. M. Luther’s (1483–1546) translation
Judenschul in the NT is based on Yi…
(4,021 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. Judaism – IV. New Testament – V. Church History – VI. Dogmatics and Ethics
I. Religious Studies …
Religion Past and Present
(1,527 words)
[German Version]
I. Old Testament The word
shekhinah (שְׁכִינָה), a postbiblical noun from the root שׁכן/
škn, “settle, dwell,” denotes an aspect of God’s presence in the world, usually translated as “indwelling” or “habitation.” The term
indwelling suggests the Egyptian theology of cultic images, according to which the deity in heaven “descends” upon his image in the earthly temple and “unites” with it (Assmann). The earliest reference to the Old Testament shekhinah theology is in 1 Kgs 8:12f., in Solomon’s words at the dedicatio…
Religion Past and Present
(6,592 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religion – II. The Early Church – III. Middle Ages, Reformation, Counter-reformation – IV. The Modern Period – V. Martyrs of the Orthodox Church – VI. Judaism – VII. Islam – VIII. Missiology
I. History of Religion The term
martyrium (Greek μαρτύριον/
martúrion) was coined in early Christianity, where it denotes a self-sacrificial death in religious conflict as a witness to faith Historical and systematic references are found in many contexts, in which comparable terms imply something slightly different. For example, the Islamic …
Religion Past and Present
(3,214 words)
[German Version]
I. Concept Talion is derived from the Roman
lex talionis, in which it referred to a regulated act of retribution – in keeping with a legal norm that was meant to place limitations on self-administered justice. This stands in contradiction to the general understanding of talion as “doing as you are done by,” also in the sense of self-administered justice. In modern usage, talion is thus particularly understood in the sense of blood revenge or vendetta. The latter meaning is…
Religion Past and Present
Shammai ha-Zaken/School of Shammai
(292 words)
[German Version] Shammai, called “the Elder,” lived around the turn of the eras. According to the chain of tradition in
m. ’Abot 1:1ff., he and Hillel formed one of the so-called pairs who received and handed on the Torah revealed to Moses. The rabbinic texts that mention him are highly stylized and must be considered literary constructs with little basis in historical reality. He is rarely mentioned in isolation (
Mek. ŠbY on Exod 20:8 [ed. Epstein & Melamed, 148]). Usually he serves as a foil to Hillel (
b. Šabb. 30b–31a: Hillel’s patience in contrast with Shammai’s testiness; thei…
Religion Past and Present
(8,622 words)
[German Version] I. Names and Terms – II. Religious Studies – III. Ancient Near East and Old Testament – IV. New Testament – V. Church History – VI. Philosophy of Religion – VII. Fundamental Theology – VIII. Dogmatics – IX. Judaism – X. Islam – XI. History of Art and Literature
I. Names and Terms
1. Devil The secular Greek noun διάβολος/
diabolos comes from one of the meanings of the verb διαβάλλω/
diaballō, “separate, sever,” which led to meanings such as “accuse, slander, deceive.” From the Greek noun came Latin
diabolus, from which the English “devil” derives. In the Septuagint (LXX), the Heb. שָׂטָן/
satan is translated
diabolos, which is best rendered as “adversary.” In the Apocrypha, both devil (
3 Bar. 4:8;
As. Mos. 10:1) and Satan are found as well as the terms
Beliar (mostly
T. 12 Patr.),
Mastema (
Jub. 10:11), and
Samma'el (
3 Bar. 4:8; esp. rabbinic writings). W…
Religion Past and Present
(5,698 words)
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. Judaism – III. New Testament – IV. Church History – V. Dogmatics and Ethics – VI. Practical Theology
I. Old Testament The designation Decalogue (“ten words”) for the series of ten commandments derives from the Greek translation of the Hebrew
Religion Past and Present
(7,228 words)
[English Version]
I. Namen und Begriffe
TeufelProfangriech. δια´βολος/diábolos, von διαβα´λλω/diabállō, »auseinanderbringen«, daher Bedeutungen wie »anklagen, verleumden, täuschen«, lat. diabolus, daraus dt. T. In der LXX wird hebr. …
(1,723 words)
[English Version]
I. Antikes JudentumDas hebr. Wort für Perikope, Parasha (פָּרָשָׁה, Pl. פָּרָשִׁיּוֹת), leitet sich von der Wurzel פרשׁ/prsˇ, »abtrennen, absondern«, ab und bedeutet »Abgetrenntes, Abgeteiltes, Abschn
(1,644 words)
[English Version]
I. Antike
1. Das griech. Wort συn̆αγωγη´/synagōgē´ (vgl. LXX) bedeutet urspr. wie כְּנֶסֶת/kneset »Versammlung« und erst später »Ort der Versammlung« (hebr. בֵּית הַכְּנֶסֶת/bet ha-kneset); so ist es z.B. strittig, ob Apg 6,9 Gemeinden hell. Juden oder deren S. gemeint sind. Daneben sind noch andere synonyme Termini g…
(2,579 words)
[English Version]
I. Zum BegriffT. ist abzuleiten vom röm. lex talionis und meinte dort einen geregelten Vergeltungsakt (Vergeltung) gemäß einer Rechtsnorm, die als solche Selbstjustiz eindämmen sollte. Dies steht im Widerspruch zum allg. Verständnis von T. als »Gleiches mit Gleichem vergelten«, auch im Sinne von Selbstjustiz. Im heutigen Sprachgebrauch versteht man daher …
(1,363 words)
[English Version]
I. Altes TestamentMit Sh. (שְׁכִינָה), einer nachbibl. Nominalbildung der Wurzel שׁכן/škn, »sich niederlassen, wohnen«, wird ein Aspekt der Anwesenheit Gottes in der Welt bez., der in der Regel mit »Einwohnung« oder »Inhabitation« wiedergegeben wird. Von »Einwohnung« ist bereits im Kontext der äg. Kultbildtheol. die Rede, wonach die im Himmel beheimatete Gottheit auf ihr Kultbild im irdischen Tempel »herabsteigt« und sich mit diesem »vereinigt« (Assmann). Die atl. Sh.-Theol., deren ältester Beleg im sog. T…