Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Kutsch, Ernst (Vienna)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Kutsch, Ernst (Vienna)" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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(309 words)
Galaád, LXX, Eus.), Gilead (Hebrew
gilad). [German version] [1] Town in eastern Jordan Town in eastern Jordan (Judg. 10:17; Hos. 6:8; 12:12), the modern
Ḫirbat Ǧalad south of the Jabboq 10 km north-northeast of
as-Salṭ, on the homonymous mountain range (Gen. 31:21, et al.:
hăr [hăg]gilad, modern
Ǧabal Ǧalad) (cf. Euseb. On. 62,1f.). Kutsch, Ernst (Vienna) [German version] [2] Area east of the Jordan Region east of the Jordan (LXX alongside Γ. also Γαλαδ[ε]ῖτις;
Galad[e]ītis; Jos. Ant. Iud. 1,324 et al. Γαλαδηνή;
Galadēnē; 5,164 et al., Γαλα[α]δῖτις;
Gala[a]dītis; 12,3…
Brill’s New Pauly
(506 words)
Menašše; Greek Μανασσῆ(ς)/
Manassê(s)). [German version] [1] Israelite tribe Israelite tribe in Middle Palestine, east of the Jordan ( Judah and Israel). Liwak, Rüdiger (Berlin) [German version] [2] King of Judah King of Judah. During his unusually long reign (
c. 696-642 BC), Judah was restricted to Jerusalem and its environs after the Assyrian conquests of 701 BC ( Judah and Israel), but progressively regenerated politically and economically [2. 169-181]. M. (in cuneiform script
Me-na-se-e/si-i or
Mi-in-se-e) as a loyal vassal of the Assyrians was obliged to pr…
Brill’s New Pauly
(92 words)
[German version] (Hebrew
Maqqēdā; LXX, Euseb. On. 126,22 Μακηδά/
Makēdá; Jos. Ant. Iud. 5,61 Μακχίδα/
Makchída; Egyptian
mḳt). Town in the southern part of the western Judaean hill country, known because of a cave (Jos. Ant. Iud. 10,10ff.) and under Josiah belonging to the district of Laḫiš (Jos. Ant. Iud. 15,41); according to Euseb. On., 8
milia passuum east of Eleutheropolis (= Bēt Ǧibrīn), therefore possibly to be identified with Bēt Maqdum 11 km south-east of Bēt Ǧibrīn. Kutsch, Ernst (Vienna) Bibliography K. Elliger, Josua in Juda, in: Palästina Jahrbuch 30, 1934, 55-58.
Brill’s New Pauly