Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
Your search for 'tei_propername:"Expropriation"' returned 5 results. Modify search
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The Impact of Public International Law on Conflict of Law Rules on Corporations (Volume 123)
(46,501 words)
Seidl-Hohenveldern, I.
Keywords: Public companies | Private international law | Public international law | Expropriation | ShareholdeNationality |
Mots clefs: Expropriation et nationalisation | ABSTRACT I. Seidl-Hohenveldern dedicates his course to the Influence of Public International Law on the Conflicts of Laws related to Corporations. After a presentation of the basic problems, the author studies the rules concerning the nationalization of corporations. He then presents the possible remedies against interferences by…
The Taking of Property by the State: Recent Developments in International Law (Volume 176)
(51,008 words)
Higgins, Rosalyn
Keywords: Expropriation | International law |
Mots clefs: Expropriation et nationalisation | Droit international | ABSTRACT In this course, Rosalyn Higgins explores recent developments (during writing of the course) in international law with respect to expropriation by the State. In the previous several years, there have been important debates on the issue of compensation for foreign owners. After an examination of the legal concepts concerned by expropriation by the State (particularly the conce…
La confiscation des biens étrangers et les réclamations internationales auxquelles elle peut donner lieu (Volume 109)
(28,305 words)
Petrén, S.
Keywords: Expropriation | Claims |
Mots clefs: Expropriation et nationalisation | ABSTRACT S. Petren writes that the question of the protection of foreign property against confiscation measures is the most topical issue in 1963. Evolution is then dominated by two major opposing trends, the first one drives the States, especially the new ones, to nationalize foreign property for social policy reasons, while the second trend is determined by the desire to create and maintain a political and economic …
Les effets d’une nationalisation à l’étranger (Volume 98)
(31,216 words)
Münch, Fritz
Keywords: Expropriation |
Mots clefs: Expropriation et nationalisation | ABSTRACT Fritz Munch assigns two tasks to his research on the effects of foreign nationalization. He writes that a first scientific outreach effort is to identify the general principles-based decisions in each country if possible. Private international law systems have some common principles, but their scope of application may vary, and their contradictions are resolved in different ways in different systems. The second ta…
Problèmes soulevés en droit international privé par la législation sur l’expropriation (Volume 67)
(28,090 words)
B. A. Wortley, M.
Keywords: Expropriation | Private international law |
Mots clefs: Expropriation et nationalisation | Droit international privé | ABSTRACT M.B.A. Wortley starts his course on the Problems Raised in Private International Law by Legislation on Expropriation by presenting the general notions on proprietary right, expropriation, and the problems to be settled by the national courts in the introduction. After the developments on the historical evolution of the issue, the author focuses on the issue of ill…