Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Baumann, Urs" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Baumann, Urs" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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Ecumenical Movement
(1,127 words)
‘Oneness’ 1. The Ecumenical Movement denotes the “movement of oneness and coming together of Christianity on earth” (R. V. Kienle). The goal of the Ecumenical Movement
within Christianity is the re-gathering of splintered Christianity to the one, holy, apostolic, and universal church of Jesus Christ, in the common → Lord's Supper and the worldwide bond of love of all churches.
Outside Christianity, the purpose of the movement is a worldwide understanding of cultures and races, regions and religions, ideologies and sciences, over humanity's common questions, needs, and tasks. The Gr…
The Brill Dictionary of Religion
(2,805 words)
[German Version] I. Fundamental Theology – II. Dogmatics and History of Doctrine – III. Ethics – IV. Catholic Understanding
I. Fundamental Theology Infallibility, understood as unswerving inerrancy or being held unshakably in the truth, is a theme of both Reformation and Roman Catholic theology. Both traditions of Western theology affirm the NT statement that the Holy Spirit will guide the faithful and the community of believers into all truth (John 14:16; 16:13) and that the church is therefore “the pillar and bulwark of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15).
1. Reformation theology sees he…
Religion Past and Present
(2,507 words)
[English Version]
I. Fundamentaltheologisch U., verstanden als unverlierbare Irrtumsfreiheit bzw. unerschütterliches Gehaltensein in der Wahrheit, ist ein Thema ebenso reformatorischer wie röm. Theol. Beide Traditionen westlicher Theol. gehen dabei von der Affirmation des ntl. Zeugnisses aus, daß der Hl. Geist die Glaubenden und die Glaubensgemeinschaft in alle Wahrheit führt (Joh 14,16; 16,13) und daß die Ekklesia daher »die Säule und Grundfeste der Wahrheit« ist (1Tim 3,15). –
1. Die reformatorische Theol. erkennt darin Gestalten des ntl. Zeugnisses, daß d…