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Dietary Laws
(4,404 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Christianity – V. Judaism – VI. Islam – VII. Buddhism – VIII. Indian Religions
I. Religious Studies A human society's dietary laws and prohibitions give us an excellent insight into its symbolic and ritual practices. The choice of nourishment (preferences and prohibitions) is closely tied to the overall image that a culture develops of itself, with whic…
Religion Past and Present
Sufferings, Paul’s List of
(277 words)
[German Version] Lists of Paul’s sufferings and hardships appear in Rom 8:35; 1 Cor 4:11–13; 2 Cor 4:8f.; 6:4–10; 11:23–29; 12:10; Phil 4:12. German New Testament scholars call such a list a
Peristasenkatalog, reflecting the terminology of Stoic and Cynic popular philosophy (Stoics, Cynics), where we also find such lists of adverse “circumstances” (
peristaseis). Suffering them demonstrates the realization of philosophical theory in life (cf. Epict.
Dissertationes I 24.1). In a Christian context, in Rom 8 Paul cites example of
peristaseis that cannot separate the believer fr…
Religion Past and Present
Asia Minor
(5,414 words)
[German Version] I. Geography – II. History – III. Society – IV. Religions – V. Literature
I. Geography “Asia Minor” serves as the historical designation of the peninsula between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; its eastern boundary is marked by the Amanus, the Anti-Taurus, and the upper reaches of the Euphrates (Turkey). To the north and south, coastal mountain ranges (t…
Religion Past and Present
Sickness and Healing
(3,297 words)
[German Version]
I. Medicine Sickness and healing are basic phenomena of human life and core concepts of any anthropology. Nevertheless defining them and the relationship between them still raises problems, not least because each is a collective term. There is debate within medicine over whether sickness and healing can be neutral categories, purely descriptive and empirical, with their meaning determined by the evolutionary function of the body and its organs. Other positions, mindful of historical…
Religion Past and Present