
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Hünermann, Peter" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Hünermann, Peter" )' returned 7 results. Modify search

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(11,720 words)

Author(s): Slenczka, Notger | Hünermann, Peter | Wallmannb, Johannes | Kaufmann, Thomas | Morgenstern, Matthias | Et al.
[German Version] I. Terminology – II. Christianity – III. Judaism – IV. Islam I. Terminology The term orthodoxy derives from Greek ὀρϑός/ orthós, “right, true, straight,” and δόξα/ dóxa, “opinion, teaching.” The word and its derivatives appear in pre-Christian literature (Liddell & Scott, s.v.) but acquired their specifically religious sense only in the context of Christianity, where confession of Jesus as Lord or Christ plays a constitutive role in religious practice (Rom 10:10; Matt 10:32f.) and the need appeared early on to identify and demarcate the boundaries of truth among the various interpretations of this confession. This process is already observable in the development of credal fo…


(2,805 words)

Author(s): Herms, Eilert | Baumann, Urs | Hünermann, Peter
[German Version] …

Vatican II

(4,383 words)

Author(s): Hünermann, Peter | Phan, Peter Cho | Thönissen, Wolfgang
[German Version] I. History, Process, Results 1. History. The Ecumenical Council Vatican II (Oct 1, 1962 – Dec 8 1965; St. Peter’s in Rome) was announced by John XXIII on Jan 25, 1959, at the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; from the second session on, it was headed by his successor ¶ Paul VI. It adopted 16 documents (list at the end of section V of the abbreviations): four constitutions (LG, on the church; GS, on the church in the modern world; SC, on the liturgy; DV, on revelation), nine decrees (I…

Denzinger, Heinrich Joseph Dominikus

(138 words)

Author(s): Hünermann, Peter
[German Version] (Oct 10, 1819, Liège – Jun 19, 1883, Würzburg) studied philosophy and theology in Würzburg and Rome (at the Collegium Germanicum), where he was appointed adjunct professor of New Testament exegesis in 1848 and professor of dogmatics in 1854. In his works, and especially in his Enchiridion symbolorum et definitionum quae de rebus fidei et morum a conciliis oecumenicis et summis pontificibus emanaverunt


(2,507 words)

Author(s): Herms, Eilert | Baumann, Urs | Hünermann, Peter
[English Version] I. Fundamentaltheologisch U., verstanden als unverlierbare Irrtumsfreiheit bzw. unerschütterliches Gehaltensein in der Wahrheit, ist ein Thema ebenso reformatorischer wie röm. Theol. Beide Traditionen westlicher Theol. gehen dabei von der Affirmation des ntl. Zeugnisses aus, daß der Hl. Geist die Glaubenden und die Glaubensgemeinschaft in alle Wahrheit führt (Joh 14,16; 16,13) und daß die Ekklesia daher »die Säule und Grundfeste der Wahrheit« ist (1Tim 3,15). – 1. Die reformatorische Theol. erkennt darin Gestalten des ntl. Zeugnisses, daß d…


(10,261 words)

Author(s): Slenczka, Notger | Hünermann, Peter | Wallmann, Johannes | Kaufmann, Thomas | Morgenstern, Matthias | Et al.
[English Version] I. Zum Begriff Der Begriff O. leitet sich aus dem griech. …