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Church Membership
(2,985 words)
[German Version] I. Forms – II. Law – III. Practical Theology
I. Forms
1. Europe The multiplicity of churches in Europe, especially in the realm of the Reformation churches, has also brought about various forms of church membership, although the now common tendency to link church membership with baptism has had a unifying effect.
Divided church membership may occur when a distinction is made between the church as a spiritual body based on its confession and its ecclesiastical principles and the church as a body constituted according …
Religion Past and Present
(7,623 words)
1. IntroductionMission (Neolatin
missio, “[act of sending]”; “dispatch”) denotes what was originally an exclusively Christian phenomenon: the active propagation of a religion, Christianity, by annunciation and sacramental incorporation into the church. A distinction is drawn between this “outer mission” (
missio externa) and the “inner mission” (
missio interna) that aims to recruit or recover to the faith people in already Christian countries.The literate religions that existed before and alongside Christianity did spread through migration, like Judaism…
(7,092 words)
1. AllgemeinM. (neulat.
missio, »Sendung«) bezeichnet ein ursprünglich spezifisch christl. Phänomen: die aktive Ausbreitung einer Religion, des Christentums, durch Verkündigung und sakramentale Eingliederung in die Kirche. Von dieser »äußeren M.« (
missio externa) ist die »innere M.« (
missio interna) zu unterscheiden, deren Ziel es ist, Menschen in bereits christianisierten Ländern neu oder wieder für den Glauben zu gewinnen (Innere Mission).Die vor- und außerchristl. Hochreligionen breiteten sich durch Migration zwar faktisch aus, wie etwa das Judentum…
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