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Vietnam, Martyrs of
(282 words)
[German Version] Christianity first came to Vietnam in the mid-16th century, but did not put down firm roots until 1615 with the arrival of the Jesuits. The first Vietnamese Christian to be killed for the faith was a certain Francis, who was in the service of an official in Tonkin and who used to perform the work of mercy of burying the dead, especially the poor. The second martyr, beatified by Pope John Paul II on Mar 5, 2000, was Andrew of Phu Yen. A year later, two more catechists, Ignatius and…
Religion Past and Present
Vatican II
(4,383 words)
[German Version]
I. History, Process, Results
1. History. The Ecumenical Council Vatican II (Oct 1, 1962 – Dec 8 1965; St. Peter’s in Rome) was announced by John XXIII on Jan 25, 1959, at the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; from the second session on, it was headed by his successor ¶ Paul VI. It adopted 16 documents (list at the end of section V of the abbreviations): four constitutions (LG, on the church; GS, on the church in the modern world; SC, on the liturgy; DV, on revelation), nine decrees (IM, on…
Religion Past and Present