
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schmälzle, Udo Friedrich" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schmälzle, Udo Friedrich" )' returned 6 results. Modify search

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(577 words)

Author(s): Schmälzle, Udo Friedrich | May, Gerhard | Maxson, Rachel E.
[German Version] I. History – II. Canon Law – III. Meaning in the English-speaking World I. History (Middle Lat.: capellanus; Ger: Kaplan), cleric at the Carolingian royal court (Carolingians) (first attested 741) with wide-ranging rights (accompanying the king on campaigns, capacity of registrar, diplomatic service, pastoral care at the capella regis); reduced after the ¶ Investiture Controversy following the papal decretal, Ad Audientiam

Violence and the Use of Force

(2,190 words)

Author(s): Lienemann, Wolfgang | Kersting, Wolfgang | Sieckmann, Jan-R. | Schmälzle, Udo Friedrich
[German Version] I. Anthropology Violence as the power of some to intimidate others against their will by threat or exercise of physical coercion or force them to (or not to) behave or act in a particular way is a phenomenon of all ages, cultures and societies. It is a constant of the human capacity for bei…


(881 words)

Author(s): Stroh, Ralf | Greger, Reinhard | Schmälzle, Udo Friedrich
[German Version] I. Social Ethics – II. Law – III. Practical Theology and Education I. Social Ethics Mediation (Lat. mediatio) strives for nonjudicial conflict resolution between disputing parties through the reconciling work of neutral third parties, who, in the course of their moderating and de-escalating activity, seek to activate the potentials for conflict resolution that are present but hidden in the disputing parties. Mediation aims at agreement as the satisfactory conclusion of a conflict in contrast to a court judgment that by means of external …


(1,896 words)

Author(s): Otto, Eckart | Schmälzle, Udo Friedrich | Oberlies, Thomas
[German Version] I. Bible Hebrew Bible uses violence (חָמָס/ ḥāmās; שׂד/ šōd) to denote the illegal use of physical force (Gen 49:5), false ¶ testimony in court (Exod 23:1; Deut 19:16), economic exploitation (Amos 3:10; Zeph 1:9), especially of the poor (Jer 22:3), and assault on God (Job 21:27) or his laws (Ezek 22:26). All violence against human beings is also violence against God (Gen 6:11, 13). Law (Law and jurisprudence: III) with its fundamental function of settling conflicts and preventing the transgression of norms that provokes violence is the primary locus for establishing non-violence. The resolution of conflicts through compensation reflected in the casuistic laws (Law and legislation: II) obviates revenge in cases of physical and material damage. In the Book of the Covenant, social violence is countered by social ethics (III, 1) distinct from law; this ethics undergoes further…

Pastoral Theology

(2,492 words)

Author(s): Rau, Gerhard | Schmalzle, Udo Friedrich
[German Version] I. Terminology Since the 18th century, the term pastoral theology has been used for theological reflection (in an academic context) on pastoral practice. In the Catholic tradition, it is synonymous with the academic discipline of practical theology; in Protestant theology, the term – since the establishment of practical theology as a theological discipline by F.D.E. Schleiermacher – h…


(2,220 words)

Author(s): Rau, Gerhard | Schmälzle, Udo Friedrich
[English Version] I. Zum Begriff P. ist ein seit dem 18.Jh. gebräuchlicher Begriff für die (wiss.-)theol. Reflexion pastoraler Praxis. In der kath. Theologietradition ist er gleichbedeutend mit der wiss. Disziplin der Praktischen Theologie; in der ev. Theol. wird mit diesem Begriff – nach der Begründung der Praktischen Theol. als theol. Disziplin durch F. Schleiermacher – nur ein Teilgebiet bzw. ein bes. Stil Praktischer Theol. benannt. – Da es sich bei diesem Theologietypus, wissenschaftstheoretisc…