
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Wallraff, Martin" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Wallraff, Martin" )' returned 9 results. Modify search

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(258 words)

Author(s): Wallraff, Martin
[German Version] (c. 368 – after 425), church historian in Constantinople. A native of Borissus, in Cappadocia, Philostorgius grew up in a staunchly Anomoean family (Neo-Arianism; Hist. eccl. IX 9). In his youth, he met Eunomius, the intellectual leader of the Anomoeans, ¶ and became a totally committed supporter (X 6). This perspective also informs his church history, probably written between 425 and 433 in Constantinople. It begins with the time of Constantine, thus being a continuation of the church history of Eusebius of Caesarea, al…

Rome, The Idea of

(904 words)

Author(s): Cancik, Hubert | Wallraff, Martin | Schimmelpfennig, Bernhard
[German Version] I. Greco-Roman Antiquity 1. The picture (imaginaire, myth, idea) that the Romans developed of themselves, their city, and their rule (Imperium Romanum) has an exemplary early period, with its founders – “pious father Aeneas” (Virgil, Aen.), Romulus, and Numa, founder of the city and founder of religion (Livy, Book I); its type – “the good old Roman” in a toga, beardless (Cicero, Cato maior), and its distinctions from its rivals in Greece (Athens). Might and right are contrasted with learning, art, and philosophy: excudent alii... / tu regere imperio populos, Romane; “o…


(9,806 words)

Author(s): Wiggermann, Franciscus A.M. | Wiggermann, F.A.M. | Betz, Hans Dieter | Baudy, Dorothea | Joosten, Jan | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Antiquity – III. Bible – IV. Church History – V. Practical Theology – VI. Philosophy of Religion – VII. Judaism – VIII. Islam I. Religious Studies No definition of magic has as yet found general acceptance. Approaches that go back to the late 19th century (E.B. Tylor, J.G. Frazer) view magic as a primitive cognitive system, the lowest rung on an evolutionary ladder (Evolution) that progresses with religion and science (cf. also Myth/Mythology: I). Magic in this view is charact…

Malalas, John

(90 words)

Author(s): Wallraff, Martin

Philip of Side

(299 words)

Author(s): Wallraff, Martin
[German Version] (c. 380 – after 431), compatriot and relative of the rhetor Troilos from the Pamphylian seaport of Side. Under John Chrysostom, Philip was a deacon in Constantinople, and later probably also presbyter and synkellos (i.e. senior priest close to the patriarch); certainly, a decided supporter of the controversial bishop (probable addressee of Chrysostom’s epistola 213). Later he applied several times, unsuccessfully, to succeed Chrysostom (when Sisinnius was elected in 426, Nestorius in 428, and Maximianus in 431; main source, Socr. Hist. eccl. VII 26f.). His lit…


(2,816 words)

Author(s): Mohn, Jürgen | Hartenstein, Friedhelm | Cancik, Hubert | Schroer, Silvia | Wallraff, Martin | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies The sun is omnipresent; in the phenomenal world, it marks and accentuates the course of our chronological and spatial lifeworld. The range of associated structures, interpretations, and ambivalences (light and dark, life-giving and life-consuming) makes it only natural that the sun should acquire religious symbolisms and orientations in many ways and in many areas: (1) orientation in time (annual calendrical cycle, identification of sacral seasons and hours of th…