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(6,223 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religions – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Judaism – V. Christianity
I. History of Religions Immediate and comprehensive solidarity appertains only in the most elementary form of human society (in the “family,” which can be variously structured according to culture); all other forms of solidarity are “artificial,” determined by more or less explicit rules; one can subsume this under the term “covenant,” in which the purposes, realms of social…
Religion Past and Present
Interpolation, study of
(1,002 words)
Backhaus, Knut (Paderborn) [German version] A.Concept (CT) Interpolations are later changes to a given source made by intentionally adding or removing material and which are not indicated as such. The aim of the study of interpolations in legal history is to establish the presence of such alterations within the sources of Roman law. The pre-Classical and Classical juridical writings preserved in Justinian's
Corpus Iuris (1st cent. BC to ca. 240 AD) are the principal focus of interest in this area. Backhaus, Ralph (Marburg/Lahn RWG) [German version] B. Development (CT) Leaving aside…
Brill’s New Pauly
(3,745 words)
[German version] I. General Cult encompasses the entirety of ritual tradition in the context of religious practise. Via Christian usage, the term derives from the
cultus deorum (‘divine worship’) named already in Cicero, and corresponds to the Greek
thrēskeía; like the latter (and the Latin
caerimonia, ‘rites’), it can in pagan language stand simply for ‘religion’ in general and thus refer to the absolute predominance in pagan Greek and Roman religion of ritual actions over faith. There, as in the religious cultures of the ancient Mediterr…
Brill’s New Pauly
Kult, Kultus
(3,296 words)
[English version] I. Allgemein Kult(us) umfaßt die Gesamtheit der rituellen Trad. im Kontext der rel. Praxis. Der Terminus leitet sich über die christl. Verwendung vom bereits ciceronischen
cultus deorum (“Verehrung der Götter”) her und entspricht griech.
thrēskeía; wie dieser (und lat.
caerimonia, “Riten”) kann er in der paganen Sprache für “Rel.” überhaupt stehen und damit auf die absolute Prädominanz der rituellen Akte gegenüber den Glaubensinhalten in der paganen griech. und röm. Rel. verweisen. Dabei steht hier wie in den rel. Kul…
Der Neue Pauly