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Unions, Church
(3,878 words)
[German Version]
I. Germany and Europe The term “church unions” refers to mergers of churches of previously separate confessions. They take place at the institutional level, are based on a common foundation of confession of faith and doctrine (II), and have a common office. In Europe, on the one hand, there are various Eastern churches (Unions with Rome) united with Rome that belong to the Roman Catholic Church and acknowledge the primacy of the pope, but have retained their Orthodox liturgy and spiri…
Religion Past and Present
United and Uniting Churches
(4,006 words)
United churches are those formed through the union of two or more existing churches to produce a new, autonomous church. In a united church the separate identities of the uniting churches have been brought together such that all members share an agreed basis of faith and form a single eucharistic fellowship; all have become responsible for one another within one ecclesial community; all members and ministers are recognized as members and ministers of that church with a defined place in its life …