
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Heinz, Andreas" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Heinz, Andreas" )' returned 2 results. Modify search

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Eucharistic Spirituality

(1,242 words)

Author(s): Heinz, Andreas
The attitude of believers to the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood (Eucharist) has changed greatly across the centuries. In the age of the martyrs eucharistic spirituality found a self-evident focus in the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. The purpose of Jesus in its institution determined the approach. The gifts of bread and wine, consecrated by the eucharistic prayer, were distributed to those present. The deacons took them to absentees (the sick or prisoners) (Justin Martyr Apol.  1.67). Laity also took the bread home so as to partake of it during the week. The…


(998 words)

Author(s): Heinz, Andreas
1. Term Taken from Lat. procedo (go forth), the word “procession” is used in the church for an orderly march of believers who give bodily expression to their prayerfulness by striding ahead, at times by leaps and bounds. The sense of fellowship and common fulfillment enhances the intensity of the act. Processions that express in movement the human striving after God occur in all religions. With prayer, song, and music, they lead into the ¶ presence of the deity and bring the deity into the life and working world of the faithful in order to avert evil and to seek bless…