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(244 words)
[English Version] Scheidt,
Samuel (getauft 4.11.1587 Halle/Saale – 24.3.1654 ebd.), dt. Organist und Komponist. Bereits 1603–1607 war er Organist an der Halleschen Moritzkirche. Danach studierte er Orgelspiel und Komposition bei J.P. Sweelinck in Amsterdam (1607/08–1609). Mit Einzug des Administrators des Erzbistums Magdeburg in seine Residenz in Halle wurde er 1609 dessen Hoforganist und 1619 Hofkapellmeister. Nachdem der Administrator 1625 die Stadt verließ, um Kriegsdienste zu leisten, wurde S. …
Scheidt, Samuel
(272 words)
[German Version] (baptized Nov 4, 1587, Halle – Mar 24, 1654, Halle), German organist and composer. From 1603 to 1607, he was already organist of the Moritzkirche. Then from 1607/1608 to 1609, he studied organ and composition with J.P. Sweelinck in Amsterdam. When the administrator of the archbishopric of Magdeburg took up his residence in Halle, Scheidt became his court organist in 1609 and
Kapellmeister in 1619. When the administrator left the city in 1625 for military duty, Scheidt found himself unemployed. Only from 1628 to 1630 did he find temporary employment as
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