Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schiemann, Gottfried" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schiemann, Gottfried" )' returned 4 results. Modify search
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(752 words)
Sch. zum Ausgleich von Verlusten oder zur Wiedergutmachung von Beeinträchtigungen unterlag in der Frühen Nz. folgenden Entwicklungen: der klaren Trennung zwischen Sch. und staatlicher Strafe, verbunden mit einem Perspektivenwechsel von der »Rache« gegenüber dem »Täter« zum Ersatzbedürfnis des Opfers; der Entdeckung und Entwicklung einer Entschädigung für persönliche Beeinträchtigungen jenseits von Vermögensverlusten; auch sonst einer stärkeren Hinwendung zum Personenschaden (Tod, Körper- und Gesundheitsverletzung); schließlich der Zusamme…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(858 words)
Damages to compensate losses or to make good other adverse effects underwent the following developments in the early modern period: the clear distinction between damages and public penalties, associated with a shift of perspective from “revenge” on the “offender” to the need to compensate the victim; the discovery and elaboration of compensation for personal suffering other than pecuniary loss; and in general a greater attention to personal injury (death, injury to one's body and health); and la…
International Law
(3,761 words)
[German Version] I. Conception – II. Greco-Roman Antiquity – III. Ancient Near East and Israel – IV. Church History – V. Fundamental Theology – VI. Ethics – VII. Church in International Law – VIII. Islam
I. Conception
1. Legal conception International law is the quintessence of the legal norms that regulate sovereign relations between the international legal subjects. International legal subjects are primarily states, traditionally also the Apostolic See, the international organizations created by the states on a contractual b…
Religion Past and Present
Law and Jurisprudence
(7,535 words)
[German Version] I. Concept and Legal Definition – II. History of Religion – III. Ancient Near East and Old Testament – IV. Greco-Roman Antiquity – V. New Testament – VI. Dogmatics – VII. Ethics of Law – VIII. Sociology of Law
I. Concept and Legal Definition There is no generally accepted definition of law. At most, there is a consensus that law is basically to be understood as the politically institutionalized order of human relations. The observance of the (general) rules (i.e. compliance or sanctioning of transgressions) emanatin…
Religion Past and Present