
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Spanke, Daniel" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Spanke, Daniel" )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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Veronica, Saint

(484 words)

Author(s): Unterburger, Klaus | Spanke, Daniel
[German Version] I. Church History St. Veronica is a legendary figure, very popular in the late Middle Ages and the Baroque period (feast day Feb 4 ¶ or 27). The basis of her legend is the story of Abgar (Eus. Hist. eccl. I 13), according to which Jesus sent the king of Edessa a miraculous cloth icon with his face imprinted on it. In a later tradition, he handed the icon down to his daughter Beronike. In the West (earliest mention Acts Pil. 7), the legendary Veronica was identified with the hemorrhaging woman in Matt 9:20 par. (starting point already in Eus. Hist. eccl. VII 18) and one of the wom…


(2,512 words)

Author(s): Arnold, Claus | Hutchison, William R. | Mette, Norbert | Spanke, Daniel
[German Version] I. Church History – II. Catholicism – III. Practical Theology – IV. Art History I. Church History 1. General The word modernism, derived from the adjective modern (Modernity), has often been used pejoratively.…

Beautiful, The

(646 words)

Author(s): Spanke, Daniel
[German Version] . The “beautiful” is an aesthetic category of pleasure (subjectively) and of unity within multiplicity (objectively). The preeminent organ of perception associated with the beautiful is sight, as is indictated in the etymology of, inter alia, the German das Schöne, which is connected to schauen [to behold]. The English word, however, derives from Latin bellus [pretty] which is connected with bonus [good]. The triad of “the beautiful, the good, and the true” is an old and widespread topos in intellectual history (Beauty) summariz…