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Mourning Customs
(3,303 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. Judaism – IV. New Testament – V. Practical Theology
I. Religious Studies As an element of burial rites and the cult of the dead (Dead, Cult of the), mourning customs serve not only the survivors but also the departed. Ritual support of the dead or protection against them is usually one of the functions of a mourning period, which often concludes with a change in the status of the departed (e.g. admission to the realm of the dead at the end of a jour…
Religion Past and Present
Prophets, Graves of
(527 words)
[German Version] The graves or tombs of prophets have been venerated in Judaism and Christianity since antiquity; Islam later followed the practice as well. The line between saints and prophets is fuzzy (Saints/Veneration of the saints), and the terminology used in ¶ the literature is not exact. (It is important to distinguish, though not necessarily treat separately, the cult of ancestors and the tombs of recently deceased rulers.) In the time of the earliest traditions accessible today, the 2nd and 1st centuries bce, only biblical figures were venerated at or in such tombs …
Religion Past and Present