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Hospitals, Church
(235 words)
[German Version] Of the 2285 church hospitals in Germany statistically recorded in 1997, 524 are under Catholic trusteeship and 369 under Protestant. Catholic facilities have 128,368 beds and Protestant 71,603 beds. Catholic hospitals have 165,414 workers, Protestant 116,559. The hospital was originally a Christian institution. Initially, it was associated with a monastery. The orders, including the St. John's Hispitallers founded in 1099 (Knights of Malta), also undertook, for the most part, care…
Religion Past and Present
(3,667 words)
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. Church History – III. Dogmatics – IV. Practical Theology – V. Church Law – VI. Catholic Church – VII. Orthodox Church
I. New Testament Neither “deaconess” nor “diaconate” is an appropriate term for the NT era, and “deacon” should not be used as an exact translation of διάκονος/
diákonos, since the three terms only later underwent an institutionalization that did not exist in NT times. The occurrence of the terminology in the NT can be differentiate…
Religion Past and Present