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Bellamy, Joseph
(148 words)
[German Version] (Feb 20, 1719, Wallingford – Mar 6, 1790, Bethlehem, CT), Congregationalist minister. Bellamy was a student and follower of J. Edwards and pastor of the church in Bethlehem. He became famous because of his powerful sermons, his leadership in the ecclesiastical politics of western New England, his polemical treatises, his support of the Ame…
Religion Past and Present
Church and State
(8,630 words)
[German Version] I. Church History – II. Law – III. Practical Theology – IV. Systematic Theology I. Church History
1. Early Church The Roman state (Roman Empire) tolerated philosophical atheism and a multitude of cults that flooded in from its conquered territories, but it refused to tolerate rejection of the cult of the official gods (
di publici populi Romani), on which the security of the state was believed to depend. Since Christians refused to participate in this cult, they inevitably came into conflict with the Roman state. Bot…
Religion Past and Present