Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Wiegers, Gerard A." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Wiegers, Gerard A." )' returned 4 results. Modify search
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Gospel of Barnabas
(1,775 words)
Gospel of Barnabas is a pseudepigraphic Islamic gospel, written by an unknown author and extant in two undated manuscripts, one in Italian (GBV, Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 2662) containing marginal glosses in Arabic, and the other in Spanish (GBS, Sydney, Fisher Library, MS Nich. 41). GBV is the older, probably copied around the turn of seventeenth century in an Ottoman milieu. GBS, a large fragment, dates from the eighteenth century. “Barnabas” tells of the life and ascen…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
(3,509 words)
In modern historical terminology, the term
Moriscos refers to Muslims in the Spanish kingdoms who, under various degrees of duress, were converted to Christianity between 1499 and 1526, and to their descendants who continued to live in Spain until the Expulsion of 1609–14 and—in small numbers, even after 1614—who lived mostly as Christians but, in some cases, especially in Granada, as crypto-Muslims (Soria Mesa). In Spain, the Moriscos were the subject of a long public debate (especially after the for…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Lead Tablets, Granadan
(1,595 words)
Granadan Lead Tablets comprise a collection of twenty-one bound books of lead, consisting of between three and thirty-seven round leaves of lead (called laminae). In total, there are about 240 plates containing written texts. Twenty of them are written in Arabic, and one (no. 17),
The essence of the Gospel (Ḥaqīqat al-injīl), is in a magical script (Van Koningsveld and Wiegers,
The Sacromonte parchment), except for one leaf written in Arabic. Lead Book 1 and 2 have bilingual Latin and Arabic titles, with Latin used on the covers [Illustrations 1 and 2]. …
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
إنجيل بَرْنابا
(1,435 words)
[English edition]
إنجيل برنابا هو إنجيل إسلامي منتحل، كتبه شخص مجهول. وهو موجود في مخطوطتين لا تحملان تاريخا، واحدة بالإيطالية (فيانّا المكتبة الوطنيّة النمساوية تحت رقم 2662) وهي تحتوي في الهامش على شروح بالعربيّة، والأخرى بالإسبانيّة (سيدناي، مكتبة فيشر م س نيش 41) وتعتبر المخطوطة النمساوية الأقدمَ، ومن المحتمل أن تكون قد نسخت في نهاية القرن السابعَ عشرَ في وسط عثماني. أما مخطوطة برنابا الإسبانية وقد بقي منها جزء كبير فيعود إلى القرن الثامنَ عشرَ. يقصّ إنجيل برنابا حياة يسوع ورفْعه إلى السماء. وف…