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(1,037 words)
1. Term Typology derives from Gk.
typtō, “strike.” The
typos is what is struck, a seal or mold, which is then used for a model or pattern. As in the case of sealing, also printing or typing, it may refer both to the mold and to the impress. Typology has this basic meaning in view. In the Bible, OT events, institutions, or persons may be patterns or prototypes
(typoi) that prefigure the NT events, institutions, or persons that deepen and fulfill them and that are called antitypes
(antitypoi). A specific view of salvation history underlies typology. Later typology became a hermeneut…
Aretius, Benedictus
(190 words)
[German Version] (Grecized from Marti, Lat. Mars; 1522 not 1505, Bätterkinden? – 1574, Bern), the son of the priest in Bätterkinden, studied in Bern, Strassburg and Marburg. In Marburg, he worked as professor of logic and dialectic in 1548. In 1549, he began activities in Bern, first as rector of the Latin school, then from 1553 at the Academy …
Religion Past and Present
(4,021 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. Judaism – IV. New Testament – V. Church History – VI. Dogmatics and Ethics
I. Religious Studies Humility is an attitude of conscious abasement (Humiliation) and submission. Some modes of expressing humility, such as postures or gestures, can be traced to biological roots; others are conventional, for example a “humble glance” or foot washing. In many cases we encounter an inversion of what is culturally normal, for example nakedness in the poverty (IV) movements of the Middle Ages. Basically, a distinction must b…
Religion Past and Present