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Refugee Aid
(690 words)
[German Version] The Bible can be called a book by refugees for refugees. The patriarch Abraham was himself a refugee. A famine drove him to journey to Egypt to survive (Gen 12:10). His descendants were exploited and oppressed in Egypt. The exodus from Egypt shows that God protects refugees, accompanying them and identifying with them. In their confession of faith, the people of Israel recall their experiences as refugees (Deut 26:5ff.). It followed that they would not oppress aliens in their own land. The New Testament speaks of Jesus’ flight to Egypt with his family (Matt 2:…
Religion Past and Present
(1,857 words)
[English Version]
I. Religionswissenschaftlich Der R. ist eine polit. Ideologie, die kulturelle und soziale Unterschiede auf rassische Ursachen zurückführt und auf diese Weise als naturgegeben und unveränderlich erscheinen läßt. In der hierarchischen Ordnung des R. nimmt der Rassist stets den obersten Rang ein. Alles von ihm zum Minderwertigen Erklärte unterliegt seinem Herrschaftsanspruch. Da der R. einer wiss. Grundlage entbehrt, bedient er sich vorzugsweise konventioneller Vorurteilsmuster, die …
(2,031 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Racism is a political ideology that traces cultural and social differences back to racial causes, thus making them seem natural and unchangeable. In racism’s hierarchical ordering, racists always occupy the highest rank. Everything they declare to be of lesser value is subjected to their rightful rule. Since racism has no scientific basis, it has recourse principally to conventional patterns of prejudice that yield its preconditions and its most important support…
Religion Past and Present